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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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The 90 mm Slugger was particularly good for it.  You figure that a tin can in the bottom third of the match isn't going to do much, but then you bag 2 or 3 tanks, at least one of them being a heavy.


Has anyone who has used upper Tier artillery used AP rounds?

For example, the M40/43 203mm gun as the following stats for HE/AP:

Pen: 102/241
Damage: 1850/1450

Now, 241 pen is a lot of pen for an artillery shell that is coming in from the top. I am thinking that if it hits, it is going to penetrate, and do some pretty insane damage (that entire 1450 inside the hull? Sounds like a rather dead target to me).

However, I am guessing that a AP shell has a lot lower splash than a HE shell, even likely lower than the HE numbers would indicate (meaning I bet a 1450 damage AP shell does less splash damage than a 1450 HE shell). seems like you would want to use AP when you are relatively certain tog et a hit. Problem is that you don't really know anything about the relative probabilities of a  shot hitting until you actually fire, hence keeping one ready is not really an option.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


There are arties out there with AP rounds?  I've seen HEAT premium rounds, but not AP rounds.


AP has no splash.  If you miss with the round you do nothing.  It's very much an all or nothing shot, and from reading it sounds like people generally use the AP as last chance defence.

In other Arty news I've gotten my GW Tiger and I can't say it's very fun.  Slow as a dead dog for moving and firing, it's mostly a lot of sitting around.  This is without the upgraded gun which is almost 25% slower.  I'm pretty much just playing for the daily double and spending most of my Arty time in the GW Panther.  Haven't decided if I'll sell the Tiger yet, but I'm very tempted.

They should rethink the upper level Arty experience.  It might be somewhat realistic to have slow firing heavy caliber pieces, but it's really, really boring to play them.


Another hilarious KV round, full of incredible fail on both teams.

Lakeville, this time on top tier. Everyone but the two arty pukes and a med goes right, through the valley of death, and gets crushed while I hold middle. Eventually the med dies defending the town, as well at the last of our lemming train east. As I rush back at "full" speed (tracked as well), the arty is overrun by the enemy. It's 4 vs my damaged KV now. Guess who wins the round. :ph34r:

[edit]The 107 mm is ridiculous against low tier targets.  El Halluf: lemming train goes long way, manages to reach enemy base before being obliterated. By then our base is being taken. Alone, I arrive, go through the village for cover and take that first wave out, then wait for the enemy survivors.  By then I'm almost rolling on the floor laughing as they also try to kill me one by one. 8 kills. Steel Wall, Defender, Top Gun.


Well. I just played my first real clan wars battle. Turns out saturday night isn't the best night to get full teams going so I was suddenly thrust into the 1st Line in my E-75 and just barely managed to stock up on some gold ammo before the 1/8 final landing battle started with 14 of our tanks to 15 of theirs. Slightly outgunned (probably around 10-15% advantage to them) we still raped the other team with only 3 casualties and I even managed to score a kill on an E-100.

Playing with a competent team is like a whole different game.  :lol:


And I just found a fun way to play the T-34: Long range machine gun sniper.  :D

I got confederate on that map with the big valley divide. The T-34 is quick enough to rapidly redeploy when new enemies are spotted, and since it reloads quicker than it aims, and the ammo is near limitless you can just spam rounds down range and hope for a hit no matter if they're moving or not.  :lol:


That's how I used mine. Got tired of it though. Just sold it. I'll probably sell the Stug as well since I hardly ever play it.

I'm mostly playing KV and PzkfwIII/IV nowadays. In addition, I finally decided to get a Leopard.


I'm ever so slowly moving up the Soviet med and heavy trees. More of an idle pastime. I just got my E-50 and I'm still hard at work on the E-100. Going is slow since I hardly get to play these days though.


Damn, KV makes experience fast. I get 75% more exp per battle with it than average. I've already got a shiny KV-3, but I'm surely keeping my KV.


Whoever suggested the Marder II:

You are awesome.

I just got Top Gun, Sniper, and Reaper all in one match. I hid in some bushes on the left flank near a road leading into our flag area while the entirety of my team rushes the other flank. Naturally, most of the opposing team comes rumbling tentatively down the road that I'm covering all by myself. I just sit tight as their numbers dwindle little by little because of wanderlust and eventually one of the heavies drives right by me and starts climbing the ramp into our flag. They have beaucoup artillery and I'm not sure how much support he has so I sit and wait until he shows his entire ass to me, preoccupying himself with taking potshots at our arty. Three 76mm rounds applied liberally to his anal region lift him off the battlefield into a bajillion pieces. He had absolutely no idea.   :lol:

By now the rest of the other team consists of arty and TDs so I make my way up the road using the buildings as cover. Another TD surprises me but I was quicker on the mouse button and he's lit up with one round. I keep crawling up the left flank and finally I'm joined by a teammate in a light tank. I use him as bait and four rounds and four kills later I single-handedly win the match and become hero of the world.
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.



Just killed a Lowe and an IS in my SU-5. At the end of the match, it was me and a Wespe against a Lowe. We ran up the flank and capped the base.  :lol:
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.


Quote from: FunkMonk on October 08, 2011, 11:48:55 PM
Whoever suggested the Marder II:

You are awesome.

The Marder II is a fantastic TD. Curiously enough though, my stats with it are significantly worse than in the Pzjäger. In fact, my performance declined markedly as I progressed down the TD line. Maybe the influence of increasing tier difference in the matchmaker?


Almost got a Top Gun in T-34-85, easily one of my worst tanks in the game.  And I did it while being in the bottom half. :yeah: