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When Did You Become 'Sexually Aware' ?

Started by jamesww, April 10, 2011, 05:29:50 PM

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I remember getting a stiffy watching an episode of Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman where she had been kidnapped and was tied up or tied to something, don't really remember but it had to be between the age of 5-9.  :blush:


As I said before, for me it was a rather long process, and it is unclear what "sexually aware" in that context means. I know I had hots for guys' feet as early as maybe 5 or 6 but processing this into "I'm sexually attracted to guys", and then into "I'm a gay man" took me the next 15 years.

I wish we had internet back then - would have taken me much faster. :P


For example, I distinctly remember a scene from a stupid 1980's comedy "Overboard", which has Goldie Hawn rub Kurt Russell's feet, and remember getting a stiffy. :P

Since it came out when I was 10, and I saw it on tv, must have been 12 or 13 then.