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Mowers of Lawn: To Me!

Started by C.C.R., May 06, 2011, 07:34:23 AM

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Quote from: derspiess on May 06, 2011, 09:31:10 AM
Re: garages, my mother in law decided to "organize" my garage for me a few days ago.  She did it before when she was visiting, also without asking me.  She apparently decided to organize things based upon aesthetics rather than on a functional basis-- e.g., my car-washing stuff is spread across the entire garage.  Never let a woman organize your garage :angry:

Quote from: Ed Anger on May 06, 2011, 09:34:42 AM
Never let a woman in the garage.

Word.  It's like giving a girlfriend a dresser drawer & then waking up one day to find that she's giving your concert t-shirts to goodwill to make more room in your closet for her fucking shoes -- only in the garage she's doing it to the shit that you really, *REALLY* care about, just to replace it with the shit that she can't even be bothered to keep in the house...

Ed Anger

Quote from: C.C.R. on May 06, 2011, 09:42:16 AM
Quote from: derspiess on May 06, 2011, 09:31:10 AM
Re: garages, my mother in law decided to "organize" my garage for me a few days ago.  She did it before when she was visiting, also without asking me.  She apparently decided to organize things based upon aesthetics rather than on a functional basis-- e.g., my car-washing stuff is spread across the entire garage.  Never let a woman organize your garage :angry:

Quote from: Ed Anger on May 06, 2011, 09:34:42 AM
Never let a woman in the garage.

Word.  It's like giving a girlfriend a dresser drawer & then waking up one day to find that she's giving your concert t-shirts to goodwill to make more room in your closet for her fucking shoes -- only in the garage she's doing it to the shit that you really, *REALLY* care about, just to replace it with the shit that she can't even be bothered to keep in the house...

I'm thinking about getting a second shed, having electricity wired into it and hiding there.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: C.C.R. on May 06, 2011, 09:27:26 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 06, 2011, 09:22:51 AM
Quote from: C.C.R. on May 06, 2011, 09:20:45 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 06, 2011, 09:07:47 AM
I need about 1.5-2 hrs for the motorized lawn-mower on my yard.  Then I need to use the small lawn-mower to cut around the trees, add another 2hrs, then I need to use the weed-eater to finish the job around the fence, the trees and the ditches wich takes about 1.5 hours
Once it's done, I need to do it at my father's place, at the rental house and around the company's buildings, wich takes about 2 more hours.

I usually don't drink beer while doing this, or before this.  Once it's done, it's bbq time with a good bottle of wine.

Is this once a week?  Every two weeks?
once a week from May to the end of July, once every two weeks from August to the end of September.

viper wins the thread...

and we haven't got to the part where I take care of the flowers and the garden yet...
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: Ed Anger on May 06, 2011, 09:44:07 AM
I'm thinking about getting a second shed, having electricity wired into it and hiding there.

Every married man should have a Man Cave, whatever incarnation it may take.  An inviolable, estrogen-free sanctuary where He is free to soar with the eagles or root with the hogs -- or do both simultaneously, which is often the case for me.

My personal white trashlicious Man Cave is a detached single car garage with a couch, full size fridge, TV with cable, homemade poker table and the Man Stereo with turntable & the old-school Pioneer speakers with 15" woofers.  In "The Grand Scheme of Life" & shit it isn't much, but it is my own little Fortress of Solitude, where after three consecutive 12 hour days in a 105 deg factory I can go home, guzzle PBR, throw darts, toss cards around with The Boys, watch The Game & air guitar to classic rock.

Or, that's the theory at least.  Having to lean around little pink bicycles & jogging strollers to throw darts has a tendancy to spoil The Mood.  My wife is generally sympathetic (and even supportive!) of the overall concept of The Man Cave, but Spring is now upon us and for the first time this year the weather promises to cooperate with me on this (for me) three day weekend.  The time for me to go out & Mark My Territory is NOW, and Hod help any Weiner Kids or bearers of Weiner Kids that get in my way.

Stanley is welcome, though.  Hell, he's probably more Manly than I am these days -- I have been fixed & he has not, so he's one up on me.  Well, actually two, but who's counting?


Ed Anger

I've got the Angertorium in the basement. Sadly, I had an intercom installed. :headslap:
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: C.C.R. on May 06, 2011, 10:17:34 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 06, 2011, 09:44:07 AM
I'm thinking about getting a second shed, having electricity wired into it and hiding there.

Every married man should have a Man Cave, whatever incarnation it may take.  An inviolable, estrogen-free sanctuary where He is free to soar with the eagles or root with the hogs -- or do both simultaneously, which is often the case for me.

My personal white trashlicious Man Cave is a detached single car garage with a couch, full size fridge, TV with cable, homemade poker table and the Man Stereo with turntable & the old-school Pioneer speakers with 15" woofers.  In "The Grand Scheme of Life" & shit it isn't much, but it is my own little Fortress of Solitude, where after three consecutive 12 hour days in a 105 deg factory I can go home, guzzle PBR, throw darts, toss cards around with The Boys, watch The Game & air guitar to classic rock.

Or, that's the theory at least.  Having to lean around little pink bicycles & jogging strollers to throw darts has a tendancy to spoil The Mood.  My wife is generally sympathetic (and even supportive!) of the overall concept of The Man Cave, but Spring is now upon us and for the first time this year the weather promises to cooperate with me on this (for me) three day weekend.  The time for me to go out & Mark My Territory is NOW, and Hod help any Weiner Kids or bearers of Weiner Kids that get in my way.

Stanley is welcome, though.  Hell, he's probably more Manly than I am these days -- I have been fixed & he has not, so he's one up on me.  Well, actually two, but who's counting?



CCR, you're have one of the best writing styles on the forum. :cheers:


I allowed Roscoe P. Coltrane into my Man Cave for the first time this week.  He: ate lint off the floor the whole time.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


As it happens I'm just about to embark on a life-time on lawn mowing rituals. To be honest, I'm a lawn-mowing neophyte (I think I mowed my grandparents lawn a few times as a young one, but that was a labour task not an organizational one).

The sod got installed a little while ago and it's been raining and shining in about equal measures, so the grass is growing nice and long. I will probably have to purchase a lawnmower soon.

I'm thinking of getting a pretty basic push mowing kind of deal, for three reasons:

1. It's cheap and I gotta economize these days.
2. Our lawn is not particularly big.
3. A little bit of extra excercise is not a bad thing for someone who's mostly computer bound, like me.

A question to all you lawn mowing old-timers:

What's the pros and cons of leaving the grass where it is, cut, rather than raking it in and putting it with the yard waste?


Man, mowing sucks, and it just gets worse when summertime comes around.  Thankfully, it doesn't take me very long to do it since the house itself takes up most of the lot.  I also only do the annoyingly sloped + irritatingly narrow side with the goddamn gate that sticks every other week (I mow everything else weekly).  Works out nicely that way. 

Hopefully most everything will die with the water restrictions that are most likely coming so I can go to every other week, and if I forget or get lazy, who cares because it's not really getting longer anyway!   :)

Edit:  My "man cave" is the back living room.  Computer, TV, stereo, PS3, etc, back here.  The downside is it's all the way across the house from the garage, which is where the beer fridge is, but it is next to the kitchen (which is also where all the booze is), so I can just bring multiple beers in and stash them in the regular fridge.  I'm considering getting a couple club chairs for back here, but haven't pulled the trigger yet because club chairs aren't cheap dammit.  They would also block my view of the TV from the desk if/when I get them, so... :hmm:


As for man-caves... I don't have a man-cave as much as I have a nerd-cave.

When we were building the house, I originally claimed the top floor of the house as my nerd-lair. Alas, I had to give half of it up to her, for her own studying and other office purposes. But I still have a nice sized area littered with RPG books and miniatures and art supplies and books and brick-a-brack, and my computer of course.

It probably doesn't have enough tools to be considered a man-cave (I'm not sure an easle, brushes, paint, photo supplies etc are universally considered tools for this purpose), but it's my cave and I will defend it to the death.


Quote from: jamesww on May 06, 2011, 10:31:20 AM


CCR, you're have one of the best writing styles on the forum. :cheers:

I appreciate your compliment, but to be fair I stole my act from Hunter S. Thompson, whose work I greatly admired until he blatantly plagiarized the ending to The Ernest Hemmingway Story...



Holy.  Fucking.  Shit.

Alright, I'm about to initiate Operation Clean Man Cave immediately -- while I was showing this thread to Wifey my Weiner Kid #2 got into a tube of hand lotion & got it smeared into her shirt, pants, hair, face, rug & Stanley, and while trying to run her down to clean her off she got it smeared all over the living room & half the kitchen.

I'm going upstairs to put on pants, then I am taking my three big garbage bags of the Winter's crushed empty beer cans into the local scrapyard for some $$$.  It should be after noon when I return, setting me up to fill the next three garbage bags...



Quote from: C.C.R. on May 06, 2011, 11:12:26 AM
Holy.  Fucking.  Shit.

Alright, I'm about to initiate Operation Clean Man Cave immediately -- while I was showing this thread to Wifey my Weiner Kid #2 got into a tube of hand lotion & got it smeared into her shirt, pants, hair, face, rug & Stanley, and while trying to run her down to clean her off she got it smeared all over the living room & half the kitchen.



When I was in Canada, we hired a gardener. 



40 lbs of empty beer cans @ $.75/lb worked out to $30 in my pocket for garbage that we just gave away when I was living in the 'burbs.  What a fucking country!
