The Obama "To Make Important Statement" MEGATHREAD

Started by CountDeMoney, May 01, 2011, 09:34:45 PM

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I have no idea if this will help Obama politically, and don't really care.  I'm just happy the bastard is dead and that our people killed him.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


*shrug* We'll see.  Remember how everyone loved George H. W. Bush after the Gulf War ended and his approval rating was like 95%? :)
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Caliga on May 02, 2011, 06:13:00 PM
*shrug* We'll see.  Remember how everyone loved George H. W. Bush after the Gulf War ended and his approval rating was like 95%? :)

George H.W. Bush faced William J. Clinton, Obama is facing the second most crazy of Palin, Bachman, Trump, Gingerich and Romney.
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Alot of people thought Clinton was kind of a joke prior to and early on in the 1992 campaign. :contract:
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


What is interesting is that Bin Laden was in this mega mansion living comfortably all safely...
Already the hypocrisy of him telling people to go off and kill themselves whilst he does nothing was there but now there's another level of people being made to live in crappy conditions and give up their worldly possessions whilst he has all that.

I really wonder what happened in the raid though. Did he go for a gun?

QuoteAlot of people thought Clinton was kind of a joke prior to and early on in the 1992 campaign. :contract:
There's crappy presidential candidates then there's people you wouldn't trust to watch your kid for 5 minutes let alone your country for 4 years.


I would trust Clinton around my kids, sure.  Unless they were teenaged daughters. :ph34r:
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points

jimmy olsen

It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Quote from: Razgovory on May 02, 2011, 05:34:59 PM
Quote from: Slargos on May 02, 2011, 04:31:50 PM
Norwegian papers are bitching about the illegality of the "extra-legal" killing, and the illegality of the the burial at sea. Apparently islam condemns dumping the bodies of murderers at sea.

Funny that it doesn't seem to condemn suicide bombers, child molesterers and rapists.
Illegality of the burial?
That's Eurospeak for 'Waaah!'  They're just pissed that they don't get to sell papers preaching hate about America for giving bin Laden a lengthy trial followed by a swift execution.

"The death penalty is wrong!  Giving the enemy leadership more than 10 years in prison is cruel and unusual!  Pay no attention to how we acted when we were at war last!"
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Okay.  I am kind of happy that the guy was killed instead of captured.  While I would have liked to see him brought to America in chains, the practical problems would have been enormous.

Apparently, there were spontaneous celebrations in Columbia, Missouri last night.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Quote from: Slargos on May 02, 2011, 04:31:50 PM
Norwegian papers are bitching about the illegality of the "extra-legal" killing, and the illegality of the the burial at sea. Apparently islam condemns dumping the bodies of murderers at sea.

Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


Quote from: Caliga on May 02, 2011, 06:13:00 PM
*shrug* We'll see.  Remember how everyone loved George H. W. Bush after the Gulf War ended and his approval rating was like 95%? :)
Yeah, but the elder Bush would've shot the couriers, shook his fist at bin Laden, and then taken off in the helicopter.


0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


So how was the lead up to Obama announcing this?
I see a lot of the early posts with speculating and whatnot, was it a 'stop all programmes at x o'clock as the president will be saying something' thing or just something minor mentioned on the news or what?

Quote from: Caliga on May 02, 2011, 06:40:23 PM
I would trust Clinton around my kids, sure.  Unless they were teenaged daughters. :ph34r:
He is the former.
Palin, Trump and co however....