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Proud Hungarians Fight on

Started by Slargos, April 17, 2011, 03:13:43 AM

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Quote from: Pat on April 23, 2011, 10:12:04 AM
Hey Slargos, did you catch this video? What do you think of it? :)

I'm sorry. I had to wipe the vomit away from the keyboard before being able to answer.

Yeah, great production value.


What about AKB, are you familiar with the works of Akalla Boys? :)


I don't mind if you keep that filth to yourself, kid. Your turn will come soon enough.  :hug:



aaaaand it's on.

The nazis were released from custody during the weekend (righly so, since all they did was play though in their backyard), and started slipping back to the village on Monday.

Last evening there were allegedly a couple of skirmishes with the gypsies who live in the village center, instead of the mini-ghetto on the end of it, which cultivated in 4 nazis wandering in to the actual gypsy street, and becoming soundly sent to hospital by a bunch of gypos who allegedly ambushed their peaceful asses.

So it looks like the gypsies will fight back, unlike the jews when it was their turn.  :hmm:

Nazi-bashing aside, the reaction of the white locals is telling. According to the government official visiting the village, the ruling sentiment is big frustration over the fact of more than a hundred policemen present to defend the gypsies, when for years they couldnt get a single cop to take serious steps against the local gypo families terrorizing the village.

The entire affair, country-wide, has been on an escalating course for years. I have no idea when it will stop.


Right now, naturally, the two sides tell completely different stories. The nazis say, 4 of them just "walked down" on the gypsy street when more than a hundred gypos attacked them with clubs.

The gypsies say they were provoked all day long, and when one of the young nazis tried to climb into the lawn of one of their houses to a gypsy woman, 7-8 gypsy males attacked him and his 3 friends.

But there is a street camera which should have recorded the incident, I wonder if the tape will "disappear"


Oh of course they were provoked.

In Oslo, a rising phenomenon known as "blikking" or "glancing" causes increasing violence when new countrymen are offended if someone looks at them the wrong way. Perfectly reasonable to bash someone's head in because you perceive he was looking at you in a manner that is provocative.

Kill them all.

Eddie Teach


Yeah, the Nazis were just innocent tourists in the wrong place.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Obviously, the nazis have been there looking for trouble.

On the other hand, I can imagine how frustrating it must be for the locals to see that police presence after the gypsies were threatened.
As they say, after around 2002, they lost the hills they were growing fruit trees on, because the gypsy street was right next to it, and some families there ate everything, stole the tools, devastated the sheds. Some gypsy families had land there too, they also lost it. So after a couple of years, just each owner gave up, and the area went to ruin. They say about 30-40 gypsies have a reign of terror over the village, but the police did not care.


Quote from: Tamas on April 27, 2011, 01:47:40 AM
aaaaand it's on.

The nazis were released from custody during the weekend (righly so, since all they did was play though in their backyard), and started slipping back to the village on Monday.

Last evening there were allegedly a couple of skirmishes with the gypsies who live in the village center, instead of the mini-ghetto on the end of it, which cultivated in 4 nazis wandering in to the actual gypsy street, and becoming soundly sent to hospital by a bunch of gypos who allegedly ambushed their peaceful asses.

So it looks like the gypsies will fight back, unlike the jews when it was their turn.  :hmm:

Nazi-bashing aside, the reaction of the white locals is telling. According to the government official visiting the village, the ruling sentiment is big frustration over the fact of more than a hundred policemen present to defend the gypsies, when for years they couldnt get a single cop to take serious steps against the local gypo families terrorizing the village.

The entire affair, country-wide, has been on an escalating course for years. I have no idea when it will stop.

Since I have nothing but contempt for the white village-dwelling conservative god fearing folk, forgive me if I don't shed a tear for them. In any case, village-dwellers should move to big cities instead. It's very difficult to find a decent maid these days and I hear child care is also problematic.

I wish I had a garden so I could hire a hunky gardener displaced from the countryside where his family dwelled for generations, by the forces of globalization and international capital I help to unleash each day upon this Catholic backwater with my M&A lawyering ways.


Quote from: Tamas on April 27, 2011, 06:40:56 AM
Obviously, the nazis have been there looking for trouble.

On the other hand, I can imagine how frustrating it must be for the locals to see that police presence after the gypsies were threatened.
As they say, after around 2002, they lost the hills they were growing fruit trees on, because the gypsy street was right next to it, and some families there ate everything, stole the tools, devastated the sheds. Some gypsy families had land there too, they also lost it. So after a couple of years, just each owner gave up, and the area went to ruin. They say about 30-40 gypsies have a reign of terror over the village, but the police did not care.

This is the entire point.

You can terrorize the community for years or even decades (as for instance with the gypsy mother fuckers in Vojakkala who've been harrassing their neighbours for 30 fucking years now, one goddamned family) but the moment someone has had enough and picks up a bat, then it's suddenly time for the legal system to step in. Of course, not to take care of the problem, but only to make sure the victims don't take the law into their own hands.

See: Kosovo.

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.