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Male on Male Rape in US Military

Started by jimmy olsen, April 06, 2011, 10:59:36 PM

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jimmy olsen

Firing squad for anyone guilty, regardless of the gender of the victim.
QuoteThe Military's Secret Shame
When men in the military rape other men in the ranks, no one wants to talk about it. Why the sexual assault of males in the service is finally being confronted.

Greg Jeloudov was 35 and new to America when he decided to join the Army. Like most soldiers, he was driven by both patriotism for his adopted homeland and the pragmatic notion that the military could be a first step in a career that would enable him to provide for his new family. Instead, Jeloudov arrived at Fort Benning, Ga., for basic training in May 2009, in the middle of the economic crisis and rising xenophobia. The soldiers in his unit, responding to his Russian accent and New York City address, called him a "champagne socialist" and a "commie faggot." He was, he told NEWSWEEK, "in the middle of the viper's pit." Less than two weeks after arriving on base, he was gang-raped in the barracks by men who said they were showing him who was in charge of the United States. When he reported the attack to unit commanders, he says they told him, "It must have been your fault. You must have provoked them."

What happened to Jeloudov is a part of life in the armed forces that hardly anyone talks about: male-on-male sexual assault. In the staunchly traditional military culture, it's an ugly secret, kept hidden by layers of personal shame and official denial. Last year nearly 50,000 male veterans screened positive for "military sexual trauma" at the Department of Veterans Affairs, up from just over 30,000 in 2003. For the victims, the experience is a special kind of hell—a soldier can't just quit his job to get away from his abusers. But now, as the Pentagon has begun to acknowledge the rampant problem of sexual violence for both genders, men are coming forward in unprecedented numbers, telling their stories and hoping that speaking up will help them, and others, put their lives back together. "We don't like to think that our men can be victims," says Kathleen Chard, chief of the posttraumatic-stress unit at the Cincinnati VA. "We don't want to think that it could happen to us. If a man standing in front of me who is my size, my skill level, who has been raped—what does that mean about me? I can be raped, too."

In fact, it is the high victimization rate of female soldiers—women in the armed forces are now more likely to be assaulted by a fellow soldier than killed in combat—that has helped cast light on men assaulting other men. For most of military history, there was neither a system nor language in place to deal with incidents of soldier-on-soldier sexual assault. It wasn't until 1992 that the Defense Department even acknowledged such incidents as an offense, and initially only female victims were recognized. But last year more than 110 men made confidential reports of sexual assault by other men, nearly three times as many as in 2007. The real number of victims is surely much higher. Even among civilians, sexual assault is a vastly underreported crime. In the military the silence is nearly complete. By the Pentagon's own estimate, figures for assaults on women likely represent less than 20 percent of actual incidents. Another study released in March found that just one in 15 men in the Air Force would report being sexually assaulted, compared with one in five women.

While many might assume the perpetrators of such assaults are closeted gay soldiers, military experts and outside researchers say assailants usually are heterosexual. Like in prisons and other predominantly male environments, male-on-male assault in the military, experts say, is motivated not by homosexuality, but power, intimidation, and domination. Assault victims, both male and female, are typically young and low-ranking; they are targeted for their vulnerability. Often, in male-on-male cases, assailants go after those they assume are gay, even if they are not. "One of the reasons people commit sexual assault is to put people in their place, to drive them out," says Mic Hunter, author of Honor Betrayed: Sexual Abuse in America's Military. "Sexual assault isn't about sex, it's about violence."

According to Hunter and others, the repeal of the military's policy of "don't ask, don't tell" might actually help the institution address the issue. Under that rule, being gay meant being fundamentally unfit to serve; it meant you didn't belong. It also meant that victims were even more reluctant to report their attacks. "I wouldn't say that the repeal is going to make it safe," says Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, a think tank on gays in the military. "But male victims will be a little bit less reluctant to report their assaults." Belkin notes that it's not just the military that avoids the issue: even gay-rights organizations are wary of it. "We don't like to talk about it because it makes rape look like a gay issue," Belkin says. "The military doesn't want to talk about it because, as embarrassing as male-female rape is, [from their perspective] this is even worse. The very fact that there's male-on-male rape in the military means that there are warriors who aren't strong enough to fight back."

Blake Stephens, now 29, joined the Army in January 2001, just seven months after graduating from high school. The verbal and physical attacks started quickly, he says, and came from virtually every level of the chain of command. In one of the worst incidents, a group of men tackled him, shoved a soda bottle into his rectum, and threw him backward off an elevated platform onto the hood of a car. When he reported the incident, Stephens says, his platoon sergeant told him, "You're the problem. You're the reason this is happening," and refused to take action. "You just feel trapped," he says. "They basically tell you you're going to have to keep working with these people day after day, night after night. You don't have a choice." His assailants told him that once deployed to Iraq, they would shoot him in the head. "They told me they were going to have sex with me all the time when we were there," he says.

Stephens twice attempted suicide. His marriage fell apart. He became paranoid and explosive. In June 2003 his mother wrote a letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer, detailing her son's "continued humiliation." "Congressional inquiries have been know [sic] to jeopardize a soldier's rank and standing," Boxer's office responded. "There is no way for our office to administratively protect your son's military standing once a congressional examination is in progress." The following August, Stephens was discharged for his "physical condition."

Fear of a ruined career is a major factor preventing victims from coming forward. In 2010 the Pentagon anonymously surveyed active-duty soldiers who had been sexually assaulted about why they declined to report their attacks. Almost half the responding men said they kept silent because they didn't want anyone to know, a third said they didn't think anything would be done, and almost 30 percent said they were afraid of retaliation or reprisals.

In recent years the Pentagon has tried to show that it takes the issue seriously, defining sexual assault in broad terms as a "spectrum of offenses from rape to nonconsensual sodomy to wrongful sexual contact, as well as attempts to commit these offenses." In 2005 it established a special unit, the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, and provided training for 1,200 officers to handle incident reports. Yet critics believe that the Pentagon has moved too slowly and that military procedures for prosecuting such crimes are far less effective than civilian laws. In February, Jeloudov and 16 other former and active-duty service members filed a class-action lawsuit against Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, charging they "ran institutions in which perpetrators were promoted...and Plaintiffs and other victims were openly subjected to retaliation."

Because reports of such crimes happen outside the reach of police and are handled by a unit's commanding officer, according to the Pentagon's own figures, last year just 15 percent of reported cases were actually prosecuted. "There's no investigatory training. They don't tell you to look for evidence," says Greg Jacob, who retired as a captain after 10 years in the Marines and is now policy director for the Service Women's Action Network. "Military justice imbued me with the ability to be judge and jury. Honestly, I had no idea what to do." Commanders often decline to take any action at all. "I have nothing bad to say about the military. There's sick bastards in all walks of life," says Michael F. Matthews, who was raped during basic training in 1972 but didn't tell anyone until 30 years later. "I get angry with the military system sometimes, but I understand it. What happens is on small levels. You take [a complaint] to your commanding officer. He doesn't want that black eye. He wants the promotion. So he tries to keep it under the carpet."

But dismissing such brutality can produce more victims. Twenty-two years ago, Jamey Michael Harding, then a baby-faced 17-year-old enlistee, says he was raped repeatedly by a drill sergeant at basic training. He attempted to report his assault, but his complaint was ignored, he says. The sergeant stayed in the armed forces, ultimately retiring as a decorated officer. Almost two decades later, the man whom Harding says raped him was arrested for raping multiple underage cadets at a junior ROTC program. He pleaded guilty to lewd and lascivious acts on a child and is now in prison. Harding, meanwhile, struggles with an array of mental-health issues he says stem from his attacks. "Many men and women will experience symptoms like PTSD or depression after experiencing sexual assault. But the experience seems even more detrimental for men's mental health," says Amy Street, a psychologist with the Boston VA hospital who has worked with both male and female survivors. "The way I make sense of that is that women, for better or worse, live their lives with this idea that they might experience sexual assault at some point. There are public models of how to recover from rape. Men don't have any expectation that this might happen to them. It's very difficult to figure out how those experiences fit into your sense of self as a man."

What's clear is that the Pentagon has only just begun to figure out how to treat men who have been sexually traumatized. Until 2006, sexual assault was classified as a women's health issue, and even today, Pentagon awareness campaigns target women almost exclusively. Kathleen Chard, the Cincinnati VA psychologist who runs PTSD programs, says that more than 11 percent of the men she works with eventually admit that they were sexually victimized. Nationwide, there are just six programs like hers, and there is a single VA facility, in Bay Pines, Fla., that specifically treats male survivors of sexual trauma. When Matthews finally sought treatment for the PTSD caused by his rape, he says he had to wait six months for a space to open up. "I went to the group and there's all these guys from the Korean War through Desert Storm," he recalls. "And you say, 'Oh, my God.' "

Since Matthews served a full 20 years and sustained physical injuries during the course of his service, he receives 100 percent of his disability benefits. The others aren't so lucky. In order to receive full benefits for mental and physical health issues stemming from sexual assault, veterans must first prove that the assault occurred. Last year the VA loosened its rules pertaining to those who file claims for combat-related PTSD, reducing the burden of proof. But that change did not apply to sexual trauma. In March, Rep. Chellie Pingree, a Maine Democrat, introduced a bill that would make it easier for victims like Blake Stephens to get benefits and medical coverage. "It's the hardest thing we hear: people who have suffered a sexual trauma and then have to prove it," she says. "We can't leave them out there hanging. It's unconscionable." Even if the bill passes, it will likely be too late to help Jeloudov, the soldier who was raped in basic training. Shortly after his attack, with his assailants threatening to send him "back to Russia in half," his commanding officer told him to sign a document stating that he was a practicing homosexual. He was subsequently discharged under "don't ask, don't tell." Less than two years later, his wife has left him, he is unemployed, and he is racked by emotional problems. His VA doctors have prescribed him half a dozen psychotropic drugs that target, variously, his PTSD, insomnia, flashbacks, and depression. He receives a fraction of full VA benefits, which helps explain his determination to prove that he was raped. Embroiled in the bureaucracy of the VA system, he easily descends into despair. But he's insistent on telling his story. "America to me is justice, truth, and fairness," he says. "Everything that happened there, none of it had to do with any of that."

If you are the victim of a sexual assault and you're seeking assistance, go to the National Center for PTSD to find a service provider in your area. For immediate help, contact the Safe Helpline, the Department of Defense's new crisis support service, via phone call, text, or instant message. Operated by RAINN, the nation's largest anti-sexual-violence organization, your information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone on your chain of command.

It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point

Eddie Teach

Was this posted for Siege's benefit?  :hmm:
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?



About that russian dude in the first paraghraph.
He must really be a fag weak mothefucker.
I mean, I ain't defending the faggots the raped him.
It is gay wether your are giving or taking. (Yeah, in middle eastern culture giving is nowhere near as bad as taking)

However, the dude is friggin what? 35? Really? And he can't own that friggin basic training platoon?

I don't know if you guys remember when I told you years ago about the egyptian dude that was with me in basic?
He wasn't in my platoon but he was in my company.
There were a bunch of foreign previous service dudes in my basic training company.
This egyptian guy didn't get raped, but he got beaten the fuck up, and not by me.
Why? He was weak. He was a fucking pussy, drafted into the egyptian army back when he was 18, but not a fucking warrior.
Brand new american soldiers, 18 or so, can smell weakness from 100 miles away. Especially in older men with previous service.
Especially in foreign men with previous military service.

So this egyptian dude got beaten, and he quit. Just like that. Didn't even got through half basic, let alone graduation and the crossed rifle ceremony.

Now, this russian dude in the op, did he really got raped?
I don't know.
I have to tell you though, from my basic training experience, which I went through 3 times in 3 diferent countries before serving in 3 diferent wars in 2 diferent continents, in basic training, nobody can get the dick up, not even for masturbation, especially not in Week Two. Are you fucking kidding me? Week 2 you are still under Total Control. You can't fucking BREATHE without you Drill Sergeant knowing you are fucking breathing.

I say this story is bullshit.

If is real the details MUST be wrong.

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


QuoteAccording to Hunter and others, the repeal of the military's policy of "don't ask, don't tell" might actually help the institution address the issue. Under that rule, being gay meant being fundamentally unfit to serve; it meant you didn't belong. It also meant that victims were even more reluctant to report their attacks. "I wouldn't say that the repeal is going to make it safe," says Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, a think tank on gays in the military.

I think they got it backwards - apparently, a lot of people used to cry rape when they got caught, because they were afraid of being thrown out under DADT.


Quote"The military doesn't want to talk about it because, as embarrassing as male-female rape is, [from their perspective] this is even worse. The very fact that there's male-on-male rape in the military means that there are warriors who aren't strong enough to fight back."

WTF. I thought all the talk about "warriors" from Siegy was just him being a tribal tard, but they are using this in formal language? WTF? This ain't Diablo or WoW. What has always made the West more civilized and superior to all the tribal shit elsewhere ever since we crawled out of middle ages, is that we have soldiers not warriors.






Quote from: Martinus on April 07, 2011, 01:28:34 AM
WTF. I thought all the talk about "warriors" from Siegy was just him being a tribal tard, but they are using this in formal language? WTF? This ain't Diablo or WoW. What has always made the West more civilized and superior to all the tribal shit elsewhere ever since we crawled out of middle ages, is that we have soldiers not warriors.
The word "warrior" has been used to refer to soldiers for quite a while in our jargon though.  For example, army reservists = "weekend warriors".
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Martinus on April 07, 2011, 01:28:34 AM
Quote"The military doesn't want to talk about it because, as embarrassing as male-female rape is, [from their perspective] this is even worse. The very fact that there's male-on-male rape in the military means that there are warriors who aren't strong enough to fight back."
WTF. I thought all the talk about "warriors" from Siegy was just him being a tribal tard, but they are using this in formal language? WTF? This ain't Diablo or WoW. What has always made the West more civilized and superior to all the tribal shit elsewhere ever since we crawled out of middle ages, is that we have soldiers not warriors.
And now the pendulum is swinging back to warriors with the rise of the professional militaries.  As a gay, I don't expect you to understand things.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


It's the inevitable result of nationalism, which is just tribalism on a larger scale.


QuoteIn fact, it is the high victimization rate of female soldiers—women in the armed forces are now more likely to be assaulted by a fellow soldier than killed in combat—that has helped cast light on men assaulting other men.

I love comments like this. The use of "now" to imply that this is some kind of growing problem, the "high" victimization rate based on a completely spurious comparison...

It's nice to come across a comment like this and realize the author has an agenda, and you can assume the rest of the article is just as dishonest and full of shit as this comment. It's like a little marker that saves me from having to read the rest of the article. I only wish it had been the FIRST comment, to save me even more time.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


I have no problem believing same-sex rape is a not insignificant problem in the US military.  As an organization it has all the hallmarks of an organization where such attitudes could flourish - highly structured, high deference to authority, largely sex segregated.

I of course have no idea about the US military specifically - but in general it all fits.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Berkut on April 07, 2011, 08:56:00 AM
QuoteIn fact, it is the high victimization rate of female soldiers—women in the armed forces are now more likely to be assaulted by a fellow soldier than killed in combat—that has helped cast light on men assaulting other men.

I love comments like this. The use of "now" to imply that this is some kind of growing problem, the "high" victimization rate based on a completely spurious comparison...

It's nice to come across a comment like this and realize the author has an agenda, and you can assume the rest of the article is just as dishonest and full of shit as this comment. It's like a little marker that saves me from having to read the rest of the article. I only wish it had been the FIRST comment, to save me even more time.

I was thinking the same thing...

so female soldiers in 1993 were more likely to be killed in combat than be sexually assaulted?
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Raping is a common behavior in any male dominated army - whether 'intra muros' or against outsiders.  One could call it an extension of their training.  At various periods throughout History soldiers/warriors would routinely rape the defeated enemy to mark their superiority - because as we all know - penetration is for many the ultimate proof of one's manhood.


"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel