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Crusader Kings 2 Redux

Started by Martinus, March 21, 2011, 08:36:07 AM

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Ed Anger

All my duke's kids got comsumption.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Ed Anger on February 12, 2012, 04:27:12 PM
All my duke's kids got comsumption.

I took this for you, not sure if you have seen it before

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: sbr on February 12, 2012, 04:31:28 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on February 12, 2012, 04:27:12 PM
All my duke's kids got comsumption.

I took this for you, not sure if you have seen it before

Oh my god. :lol:
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.



I played a fast game as Byzantium. After the emperor died and I played a bit as his son, I decided to throw his mother in jail, but that caused almost every prince in the empire to rebel and the entire country disintegrated into warring factions! Sadly, mine emperors brother usurped the throne and I just sat back and was impressed as the AI emperor managed to restore about 95% of the rebellions lords.

The only exceptions were the Hungarians nabbed Serbia during that time and a couple areas stayed independent - some Armenian crap, Athens and Nicaea. In another 5 years or so those might have been restored as well.

Winner of THE grumbler point.


I want to read your post but I am afraid to take my eyes off of your avatar, I am pretty sure it is coming after me.  :o

crazy canuck

Damn you all, I pre-ordered through steam.  This better be good.  I am breaking my vow never to buy Paradox on release again.


Quote from: garbon on February 12, 2012, 01:15:57 PM
How sad. Tamas and Mart couldn't escape themselves for even a second and had to play their homelands.

My first game was as Burgundy. Then Lusignan, Tuscany, Anjou, Meath, Barcelona, Apulia, Bohemia and then Poland. Don't hate us only because our ancestors werent niggers brought on a ship to a country that does not exist in CK2.


I wonder who the best go to games will be in this one.
I tried a little mess around with Jamtland in the hope of nabbing some local pagans....nope. They're damn strong, whilst I'm pulling a few hundred men they're getting around a thousand. I guess the only way is to save up a tonne of money and buy mercenaries. I had the idea to get my strong ally, the king of denmark to do the fighting for me but...he can't take their province quicker than they can take mine. And he'd probably just take it for himself anyway.
Just how does one make decent amounts of cash?

One thing I don't like...the king of Norway keeps letting me vote on reforms he is doing. The de jure kingdoms seem really set in stone- and include some oddities like uber Armenia and Burgundy.
I really wish new kingdoms could be formed if you get strong enough. And what about crusader kingdoms?


I just finally had a fun game as Duke of Apulia, old Robert is not the easy mode he was in the first game.  The mongol hordes from Sicily pretty easily over ran me in my other tries.  I am bummed I didn't do the extended time crack before I started this one.
Mongol hordes from Sicily?

QuoteI forgot you can't take land in a defensive war so I did waste some time sieging the Sicilian provinces, until I remembered
Eh? That sucks. There goes my usual style of play...


Quote from: Tyr on February 12, 2012, 06:56:20 PM
I just finally had a fun game as Duke of Apulia, old Robert is not the easy mode he was in the first game.  The mongol hordes from Sicily pretty easily over ran me in my other tries.  I am bummed I didn't do the extended time crack before I started this one.
Mongol hordes from Sicily?

:D Typo.  I spent a few months bitching about the mongol hordes in an EU3 MP game and I guess that just carried over.

QuoteI forgot you can't take land in a defensive war so I did waste some time sieging the Sicilian provinces, until I remembered
Eh? That sucks. There goes my usual style of play...

You can make peace and just DOW them right back, you have to disband your levies first though.


Quote from: Tyr on February 12, 2012, 06:56:20 PM
Just how does one make decent amounts of cash?
1. Have your Steward collecting taxes at all times.
2. Have a good relationship with the Pope (your chaplain should be on a diplomatic mission in Rome) - he sends you cash when you are fighting pagans and muslims.
3. Build up your baronies - there are several buildings that increase cash income (and, others that increase levy size so you don't need to hire mercs).
4. Ransom prisoners when you can afford it.


Played a game as Duke Murchad of Munster(the only two-county realm on the Emerald Isle), with the goal of seeing how much of Ireland I could unite inside the demo.  And also play as a just, and loving family best one can anyway.

Duke Murchad starts off unmarried with one adult, 18-year old son, Brian.

Alas, the second county is run by some Norwegian jack-off mayor, who is also rather disobediant (he has that crappy "wrong government" penalty), so first I made it my goal to unseat him.  I simply revoked his title, and the civil war was on.  After defeating his forces, I was lucky enough to capture him in battle, ensuring total victory without a costly siege.  Now his county was mine (this time, I kept getting pinged about being the wrong leader for the holding, and could never figure out how to get someone appropriate to run it, or make it appropriate for me).

To ensure my succession, I enlisted a Navarran princess to marry my son, and set about consolidating my counties to attain enough levy power to unseat the lone Earl to my south on which I had a casus belli claim as Duke.  After suppressing his forces, he surrendered, retaining his title of Earl.  However, I wanted someone more loyal, so I revoked his title (starting another civil war....*sigh*).  Luckily, the Earl died of natural causes within weeks, leaving his son in charge (for some reason his relation to me was in the high 70's), and a deal was struck, ending the rebellion.

On the home front, I began developing my counties for the hopeful wars of unification to come.  I didn't plan to have Duke Murchad marry, already having a good heir, but I took pity on some poor Pomeranian lady.  She died within two years.

While my son kept popping out granddaughters, Duke Murchad finally decided to marry a HRE princess, who within months fell into genuine love with the Duke after he bought her a fancy new stallion (a horse, not a gigalo).

The Duchy of Munster developed quite nicely, Duke Munchard attaining the title "The Just", with a loyal court, a loving wife, adoring (if overly proud and hedonistic) son.  Changed the succession laws to favor my son (which he didn't like for some reason), who finally popped out a son,  while my wife finally gave birth to another daughter and son as well.

Unfortunately, while I had developed my duchy rather well, I could never get a claim on any other Irish counties , and thus could never start a unification war.  The game ended after the customary 20 years with a healthy, robust 60-year old Duke Murchad the Just, leading a prosperous Irish duchy, stuck holding summer festivals (Jumping Jews of Jerusalem?  Really?) and winter feasts.

Is there any way to get claims to start wars other having your Chancellor eventually be successful, or some kind of intricate web of marrying off relatives?

Ed Anger

For those playing a demo, there is a Norwegian princess right at the beginning that tends to shoot babies out at a high rate. Lustful indeed.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Tonitrus on February 12, 2012, 08:45:40 PM
Is there any way to get claims to start wars other having your Chancellor eventually be successful, or some kind of intricate web of marrying off relatives?
Marrying for claims and if you have someone in your court with a claim you can fight on their behalf. But make sure they don't have a dukal (?) claim or you'll just make a new neighbour instead of a vassal.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.