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New EVE Online Thread

Started by MadBurgerMaker, March 16, 2011, 10:13:00 PM

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I know that guy!  You were in my neck of the woods.   :lol:
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Yeah, I was doing wormholing, and wound up over there.  We got to the same relic site at the same time, but he left in his Helios and I thought I could crack the last relic before he got back.
I was a little wrong.  :lol:


Yeah most people are conflict prone out there.  I'm still subbed but haven't logged into the game in about.....5 months except to skill train.  Up to 120m   :showoff:

Friends have started playing again which is good, theyre doing a lot of lowsec exploration and lowsec mission running.  Not sure if I'll give it a go again right now, though.  Time is limited...
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Lows ex is the suck.  Fucking piewats.  <_<


Vonlutt, you've got some fucked up friends.


Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


This was an instapop, and I felt dirty about it afterwards

Quote2014.05.31 05:15:00

Victim: Klaus Faust
Corp: The Scope
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Imicus
System: J154145
Security: -1.0
Damage Taken: 885

Involved parties:

Name: Cyclicus Remba (laid the final blow)
Security: 4.70
Corp: Mobtown Industries
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Proteus
Weapon: Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Damage Done: 885

Destroyed items:

Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 4
Core Probe Launcher I
Miner I

Dropped items:

Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Expanded Cargohold I


Eh, don't feel bad unless you get the pod. 
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


The pod is the most important thing. It's like the cherry on the sundae.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


I wardec'd three Hi-Sec mining corporations.  Shit just got real.


So there I am, in my little dead-end corner of the galaxy, mining my little rocks in my little two-toon corp, and what happens?  I start seeing mining bots;  what they'll do is they'll warp to a belt at roughly 350km out, cycle, warp into the belt right on top of me, cycle, and then start mining rocks in a pre-plotted order.  I got their routines down to the point that I was preempting the rocks they were mining, since they follow a specific bot plan.  So the next time I see one, I wardec the corp.  See the next one, wardec that one, too.  And so forth.

First couple days, I keep them docked up in station and listen to the woofing.  They're not coming out because I've got a cloaked tackler and a Marauder just waiting to huff and puff and blast the holy fuck out of their little anti-rat Skiffs.  Next couple days, they're not even logging on into the system anymore.  Mission: Accomplished.  No more mining.  The way I see it, I don't need to blow up ships to win, I win by not letting them mine in the system.  No 'roids, no tickey, no laundry.  Even managed to get a carebear corp in the system to pitch in to defray the wardec costs;  they don't have the ponies for combat, so I'll be the fly in the ointment.

But I start getting a bit itchy, since I don't see any war targets in the system for a couple days;  do some research on the killboards and see where some of these guys have been popped and I decide to grab the keys for the SS Bernie Kosar II and go for a little stroll.  And who do I see in a shuttle coming out of Dodixie?  The CEO of one of the corps.  Well, locking onto his ass certainly got his attention.   If only he had been on autopilot.

So Mr. CEO starts a convo with me in short order, wants to know what's up with wardeccing his corp.  I explain I'm not interested in his corp, just certain asshats in it, but unfortunately the corp comes with it, so solly. He then invites a neutral to the conversation, somebody who states he has "interests" in the wardec'd corp and who immediately begins the Bad Cop routine and starts breaking bad with me, all "what makes you think you control the system" and shit like that.  And I'm all, like, you don't know me, bitch.  Trying to have a decent conversation with Mr. CEO and explain my actions, and meanwhile Bad Cop keeps getting chipper with me, and I finally have enough of that shit, and I'm all, like, fuck you and fuck the fucking Diaz Brothers, you want a war, we go to war.  Mr. CEO says, how about this, I'll keep my people out of your system, you don't wander too far off the reservation looking for war targets.  I'm all, OK, I can deal with that, but nooooo, Bad Cop has to start woofing again.   

So now I'm sitting outside Dodixie, cloaked up about 250km, ready to warp in on the first industrial chock full of heady trade goodness I see.  Because somebody throws a rock at me, I send ICBMs over the polar cap.  Because that's how I roll.  Because I'm motherfucking crazy like that.  I bury deez cockaroaches.

Big game update coming.  Totally revamping the industrial aspects of the game.


Haha. Eve is definitely a unique experience among MMOs. Can't get negotiations like that in WoW.
Winner of THE grumbler point.

Malicious Intent

Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 16, 2014, 11:37:28 PM
So now I'm sitting outside Dodixie(...)

OhdeargodpleasedontkillmeIamjustabloodynoobinthisgameandhavetoferrymystuffthereohgodohgodohgod...  :cry:


I wonder how Mr. CEO and Bad Cop are going to take my extending the wardec another week.


Lately I've been getting an urge to resurrect my dudes and play some Eve again.  I suspect that urge will go away immediately after logging in though.