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New EVE Online Thread

Started by MadBurgerMaker, March 16, 2011, 10:13:00 PM

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I was bored earlier and tried to ninja loot some stuff with an alt, too many whores out there already.  Anything dies it's instantly getting tractor beamed and is already looted within seconds.   :lol:
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Quote from: Alcibiades on April 27, 2012, 01:28:26 PM
I was bored earlier and tried to ninja loot some stuff with an alt, too many whores out there already.  Anything dies it's instantly getting tractor beamed and is already looted within seconds.   :lol:

:lol: Can't really blame them with some of the stuff that's dropping.

In other news, in case you haven't noticed on the sov map, Raiden totally fucked up and lost almost all their remaining space.  They apparently accidentally set a renter holding corp as the alliance holding corp.  They then found out that the renters were leaving, so they kicked them, which means they suddenly lost all their sov in Vale, which was all they had left after getting skullfucked in Tenal.  The renter corp then joined NCdot and now.....well NCdot and the renters (Rolling Thunder) control Vale.   


Haha what idiots.  Was wondering about that.
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


This just happened about 5 minutes ago, but we put a raiden pos into reinforced a couple of days ago, it was sitting on a tech moon ( Which is several billion isk in profit a month, so quite profitable) 2 jumps out of amamake.  Comes out of reinforced about 3 hours ago.  We take down the pos while sparring with Shadow Cartel.  Take down about 7-8 tornados and nags as they keep warping into us at range.   We take down the pos and as we do it 7 Pandemic Legion Super Carriers cyno in 200km off of us.

So we are forced to warp out.  Shadow Cartel warps in a viator and pops down a small pos which means PL isn't able to put their own pos down.  Pl warps in and waits to takes down their pos, which they eventually do.  Shadow cartel ninjas ANOTHER pos in.  At this point our FC has coordinated with amarr militia and we are going to try to take down a PL Nyx and Rorqual which is a bit off of everyone else, and we are hoping PL doesn't have too many caps close by on stand by.  We have a bunch of our guys refit to neuting abaddons and Typhoons.  As we undock the Nyx warps off, but the Rorq isn't even aligning yet almost completely by itself.

We land on the Rorqual and we absolutely melt it.  At this point another Cyno goes up and about 8 Supercarriers are on top of us.  We have Heavy interdictors point a Nyx and we primary one of them.  They launch fighters and fighter bombers and we switch to taking those down.  I must have destroyed at least 15 fighters throughout the battle, which are around 25m isk a piece.
I got the killmail ^_^

At this point the Amarr bridge in about 20 battleships to help us try and do something.  We get a nyx to half armor and half of their supercarriers are neuted out when 3 cynos go up and about 25 more supercarriers and 15 titans cyno in.  At this point the amarr bail and we decide to abandon field as well.

As I'm warping out...

Battlereport is here, but there were more Supercaps and titans here than shown.

Interesting either way, we didn't pop the rorq wreck though, and the pos dropped  :yuk:
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


It's too bad yall couldn't finish the Nyx off.


Yeah.... I'm not sure when the tide turned, was either when the 25th nyx came in, or maybe it was the 15th titan I'm not sure.   :P
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Oh yeah, I would know exactly what to do in that mess.



Bunch of small ones actually, you just haven't logged into the game in so long they've condensed into one big one.   :P
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Here we go:

10 PLEX.  I wonder if he bought those with real money or with ISK. 

Quote from: Alcibiades on April 28, 2012, 05:38:52 PM
Yeah.... I'm not sure when the tide turned, was either when the 25th nyx came in, or maybe it was the 15th titan I'm not sure.   :P



Nice of you to log on seedy....and then off again 3 minutes later.   <_<

Snip - Patch notes are too long for the forum.   :rolleyes:

Huge fights as a result of this, biggest in years in fw.   3000 ships were destroyed in 3 days across Kourmonen and Kamela, was pretty fun.  Im at nearly 200 kills for logging in 3 days.
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Quote from: Alcibiades on May 22, 2012, 03:38:04 PM
Nice of you to log on seedy....and then off again 3 minutes later.   <_<

Meh, sorta difficult to be in game mode these days WHAT WITH INEVITABLE UNEMPLOYMENT LOOMING BEFORE ME YOU KNOW


Hey Alci and MadBurger, what anniversary items did you guys select?  I just noticed that shit.

Personally, I would've preferred cool shuttles and shit, like they did before.


I couldn't pick anything and they disappeared hmm... 
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 22, 2012, 04:21:44 PM
Hey Alci and MadBurger, what anniversary items did you guys select?  I just noticed that shit.

Personally, I would've preferred cool shuttles and shit, like they did before.

The +4s and the skillbooks.