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Hungarian Politics

Started by Tamas, March 09, 2011, 01:25:14 PM

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Quote from: Threviel on April 02, 2019, 02:40:01 PM
If I want to be a creepy sexist misogynist I'll damn well be a creepy sexist misogynist. FFS.

Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

Admiral Yi

Damn SJWs and their plastic surgery shame shaming.

She was much cuter pre-op than that first photo made it seem.

Richard Hakluyt

At least she is getting foreigners more interested in Hungary's plight  :P


Mini-scandal of mini-countries:

An ex-footballer Slovakian MP (in Slovakia) introduced a bill calling for the ban of public playing and singing of foreign anthems without officials of the foreign country in question being present.
Everyone there is calling it "Lex DAC" after the football team of Dunaszerdahely, which is one of the several towns still with a Hungarian identity/majority. They receive fans from Hungary who always sing the Hungarian anthem before games. Which of course would now be banned.

The bill was accepted by parliament. One of the parties voting yes was the centrist-liberal joint Hungarian-Slovakian (so, pro-coexisting) party called Hid. They didn't realise what they were voting yes on (IIRC they are members of the governing coalition).  :lol:

They have now publicly apologised and have requested the President of Slovakia to send the bill back and not sign it into law. He is probably going to oblige but has "requested the members of the coalition to at least read what they cast their votes on, but preferably to also take part in the preparation of bills) :face:

The bill will pass even without Hid's support, though.


Very unique: the latest scare, timed for the start of the EU election camaign is:


Apparently a few hundred refugees at Saloniki have been gathering to start north on the Balkans. Today it was even BREAKING NEWS on Hungarian state TV as the Greek police used tear gas against them.

I've checked out the news-buildup over this week. You guys wouldn't believe it. It was handled like 9/11 shown live, as their local correspondent showed the DRAMATIC footage of the CARAVAN around him, which meant a few dozen BROWN people scattered around a big clearing, plus a few tents. DANGER!

This is so pathetic. My poor homeland. :(


As illustration, today's news coverage from the massive caravan's battle with the Greek Police. The Hungarian government is "ready to make the necessary steps and strengthen the border to prevent the caravan from entering":


Whatever happened to the world's slowest caravan going through Mexico? It seemed to vanish into thin air once the election happened.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on April 05, 2019, 11:02:28 AM
Whatever happened to the world's slowest caravan going through Mexico? It seemed to vanish into thin air once the election happened.



Quote from: Tamas on April 11, 2019, 09:53:56 AM


Quote"I think that as an artist, I have a right to practice and interpret this culture. This is what makes it possible that this cultural heritage can be explored and enjoyed at a live performance in such a country as well that is mostly populated by white people. I believe that forbidding me from performing in a piece just because I'm white is negative discrimination and racism," Anikó Bakonyi continues her answer, adding that all of the artists involved gave the best of their knowledge, and they all have the necessary musical training that enables them to authentically perform the piece. "These days, there is oversensitivity in world politics - so much that now we are discriminated against because we happen to be white. We went from one extreme to the other. In the 21st century, we no longer only know what's exactly happening next door, but what's exactly happening on the next continent: such a constant stream of information makes it impossible not to absorb everything into our identities."

Odd statement regarding an opera from 1935.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: garbon on April 11, 2019, 10:10:34 AM
Odd statement regarding an opera from 1935.

Well the Hungarian State does often act like the 1930s are "these days".
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


It is becoming quite impressive how the governing party manages to continue lowering the bar of their moral stance.

The Royal Family, the Royal Son-in-law in particular, have been enthusiastically grabbing castles and mansions around the country. It would appear that their latest target is the very lucratively placed and massive (a park, several building etc) property at Fot, just outside of Budapest.

This building complex happens to be the principal state orphanage of the country. AFAIK hundreds of abandoned/oprhaned children live there in what are probably the best circumstances available in such institutions in the country, including 50-60 disabled or otherwise heavily dependent on care orphans.

They have to go now, as the orphanage is getting closed. There isn't any real, believeable, reason for it, so everyone is certain it is because Orban Wills It. 

The relocation of the children appears to be in shambles. They will be divided all along the country, mostly to be sent to orphanages that barely if at all, have the capacity, Two of the bigger ones have new wings under construction to house the incoming kids. The special need ones in particular are problematic as there will be only a couple of places left in the country who can deal with them. A third location that has been mentioned is not accessible at all for disabled people, and while they don't know if they will receive any children, they hope the workers of the Fot orphanage will also decide to relocate there as they have no skilled personnel to take care of them.

Fot is also housing the child refugees/asylum seekers. For them a new building at a different location has also been designated, but let's just say it is not in tip-top shape as of yet:

Overall nobody really knows anything on where the children will end up, just a couple of months before the Fot institution closes.

The government's official plan is to refurbish the mansion afterwards and use it for cultural functions. The usual modus operandi is to rebuild/modernise these places from taxpayers money and then give them practically free to one of the oligarchs.

The main pro-government newspaper had this to say about the whole thing: "The airport is close by, the place is exclusive, it getting a new lease of life is good for everyone. Especially for the inhabitants of Fot, who will receive a beautiful park and a splendid cultural life".


Oh and BTW if you see Hungarian government politicians and their media's take on the Notre Dame fire, it was of course a direct consequence of France losing its way and embracing secular liberal filth, and French muslims are dancing in the streets in jubilation.


Our favourite politician-wife returns!

HVG is a weekly newspaper with a long history in Hungary (its abbrevation refers to Weekly World Economy). Ever since their launch in 1979, their newest issue would be advertised by posters on the streets of Budapest (on these man-height round advertising stands that Budapest is full off).

This was the case even while the company controlling those advertising surfaces was (and has been) in the hands of various Orbanist oligarchs (the paper itself is quite left-ish).

Not anymore. Out of the blue, the advertising company cancelled their contract with HVG.

Perhaps not unrelatedly, this is what they were supposed to poster out:

The title is a Hungarian wordplay merging "luck" with "housewife", the subtitle says government-wives under rain of public funds, and of course concerns the stellar rise of all companies these ladies have started or joined in the last few years.

Wrong choice of front page I guess!

It is interesting to note, that before the rapid, unexpected, and shocking closure of the daily paper Nepszabadsag a few years ago (most popular and only clearly profitable newspaper at the time. Very center-left. Basically if The Guardian was closed overnight in the UK), the last big story they ran was the private helicoptering of this lady and his husband.


Read an excellent article from TGM. He is something of a poor man's Zizek I guess. An old idealist communist philosopher/journalist.

But even though I deeply disagree with him idelogically, he is very smart and has a great insight if you learn how to compensate for his screwed up communist lense that he uses to look on things.

The main body of the article laments on the failure of the plutocratic-liberal democratic experiment in Hungary and the wider region, which of course is just the newest failure of such attempts following 1848, 1918, 1956 ('68 in other places), and now 1989.

He then switches over to explain how nihilistic and cynical Hungarian (and other regional) societies have become.

The ending however I especially liked and quickly translated it:

QuoteAll concepts are false, all suspicions are valid.

This nihilism was born by disappoitnment, the disappointment is justified, therefore arguing against the nihilism is hard.

If someone is upset about the current system's tyranny, he gets the reply of tyranny being present everywhere everytime, that hiearchy and autocracy is universal and eternal, albeit of course disgusting.

Power is an axiom, says the half-colonial half-periferial public opinion. Only way out from under it is to deny society, declare politics fake, art illusion, and go to some remote place, some not understood, unknown, unimportant place, where our existence is irrelevant, where we have no burdens of a citizen, where we can finally be what we always wanted to be: migrants.

Voluntary exile is East Europeans' only remaining utopia: xenophobia and seeking refuge in an alien land - both at once!

Our anti-European and "anti-migration" system is maintained by European handouts, western industry, and westward emigration, the Chinese and Arabic buyout of properties, and immigration. All the while whole districts of cities will empty out (like how it has already happeend in Romania), and obviously will be filled by aliens.
There is onle one way to maintain such a controversy: refuse to talk about it.

The dream of freedom -once again- has become a junkyard, both physically and intellectually.

The denied and not understood catastrophe has long been blamed on various, usually irrelevant persons and fictional events. The hidden crime officially doesn't even exist, but the scapegoats have long been found.

Still, the aimless paranoia does show that everyone is aware, how horrible our most recent history is. How can they blame freedom for the confiscation of liberty?

It's grotesque and bizzare, but not inexplicable.