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TV/Movies Megathread

Started by Eddie Teach, March 06, 2011, 09:29:27 AM

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Outsider - weird american made yakuza movie. it has good style. It's a very underserved period even in Japanese movies. But... The execution isn't great.

Admiral Yi

The Mummy (2017).  The chick from Kingsmen with blades on her feet is a mummy who comes back (I missed the beginning) and chooses Tom Cruise to be the host for the reincarnation of Set, the god of death (and apparently her squeeze).  Russell Crowe is Dr. Jeykill (yes, that one) who heads up a super secret organization that fights evil.  Annabelle Wallis is the love interest, and the only good thing in this crap fest.  Endless fight scenes, endless chase scenes, many explosions.  CGI Tom Cruise gets thrown several kilometers around the English country side and London.

This movie sucks.


Wait, Set isn't the God of death, his brother, Osiris is.  Osiris was also the good guy.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017

Eddie Teach

Travelers. People from the future bodysnatch people from present at moment of their deaths. Pretty enjoyable in spite of the absurdity of the premise.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: Eddie Teach on May 15, 2018, 06:36:45 AM
Travelers. People from the future bodysnatch people from present at moment of their deaths. Pretty enjoyable in spite of the absurdity of the premise.

Yes, it is more fun than the premise suggested.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


You're all finally getting it


Might give it another chance then, I never got past the first ep.


Handmaid's Tale is still pretty great, but god are they doubling down on the psychological/physical torture aspect.


Deadpool 2 has leaked. Good movie. Ill still go watch it in the theater with friends.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.

Eddie Teach

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Been watching the Netflix "documentary" Dope.

It's....pretty not great. It is clear the people making the documentary care a lot more about getting people to watch it than they do about telling the actual story. Lots, and lots, and lots and lots and lots of overwhelming music with slow mos of cops putting on body armor and putting their guns into holsters.

Also, they keep doing this thing where they are telling a story from the drug dealers perspective. Lets say that is Dealer Joe. Joe has to meet his supplier at the gas station in Boise, so he is on the way.

Cut to their telling the story of Detective Bob. Bob has a tip that there might be a deal going down at a gas station, so they are going to stake it out.

Now, they are with both of these people. So obviously if you think for 2 seconds, this cannot be happening at the same time - Dealer Joe cannot possibly be the guy Detective Bob is hoping to catch.

But they cut back and forth between the two stories - they don't SAY it is the same story, but they sure want the viewer to think it is, otherwise its just a coincidence that the stories overlap in that precise manner?

A lot of stupid little "ramp up the drama" tricks like that. Low on actual content, high on scary drug dealers and bad ass cops.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


Quote'Late Night' criticizes Roseanne episode about Muslim neighbors: 'This episode was poison'

Seth Meyers' "Late Night" took on a recent episode of the re-booted sitcom "Roseanne" this week, saying that the episode depicting Roseanne's Muslim neighbors was "racist."

In the segment "Amber's Minute of Fury," writer Amber Ruffin broke down the episode, in which Roseanne is suspicious of her Muslim neighbors but is forced to ask them for their Wi-Fi password. Later in the episode, she defends one of the family members in a racist encounter with a grocery store cashier.

"Roseanne is back, and better than ever, and being racist," Ruffin says. "In this tired-ass episode, she has Muslim neighbors and she thinks they're terrorists until they give her their WiFi password and then she decides they're okay and saves them from a different racist person, proving that she is no longer racist."

The issue-centered episode was reportedly requested by Roseanne Barr, who has faced criticism for her pro-Trump comments and wanted to confront "her own bias" on the show.

Ruffin said that the episode was "poison" because it pushes a mindset that people of color have to prove that they are "one of the good ones" in order to have successful relationships with white people.

"What would have happened in this episode if they had been mean to her, as was their right to do?" Ruffin said of Roseanne. "She'd have called the cops and they'd have gone to jail. That's what the f—k what! And that's what's wrong with this episode–the minorities had to prove themselves to her. That's a dangerous mentality and it isn't limited to Roseanne."
Ruffin referenced a series of incidents that have made national headlines in recent weeks, including two Native American men who were pulled from a college tour after a white woman said they made her "nervous," and a white neighbor calling the police on three black Airbnb guests, saying she thought they were burglars because they did not wave to her.

"What world does this neighbor live in?" Ruffin said. "One where there's only two kinds of people–people who wave, and burglars?"

"White people call the police when we're not polite," said Ruffin, who is black. "But politeness is not the rent we pay to live in this country. Slavery was, and we paid that in full ... It is asking too much of black people to live under all of this oppression and also make you feel comfortable."

She suggested that the apparent increase in incidents has been due to the Trump presidency, joking that she "can't figure out" an explanation while a picture of Trump appeared beside her.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: Berkut on May 17, 2018, 10:09:18 PM
Been watching the Netflix "documentary" Dope.

That sounds terrible. Why do you keep watching it? :P
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

Eddie Teach

Quote from: garbon on May 18, 2018, 08:16:26 AM
"White people call the police when we're not polite," said Ruffin, who is black. "But politeness is not the rent we pay to live in this country. Slavery was, and we paid that in full ...

Weird, most people get evicted if they go 150 years without paying their rent.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

Grey Fox

Now that I've subscribed to a unlimited internet plan, I've also subscribed to Netflix.

So many, many shows.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.