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TV/Movies Megathread

Started by Eddie Teach, March 06, 2011, 09:29:27 AM

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Quote from: Josquius on January 21, 2024, 02:43:25 PMI struggle with kung fu movies these days. CGI has killed even low CGI action for me.
Though that does sound like something that would have teenage me excited so shall hunt it out
There's not a ton of CGI in this one, which is why I like it.  Most of the fights are realistic.

The story is bunkers.  But at the same time, it's the US.  These people elect Donald Trump and wage war on one another because some States tell the others to fuck off.  Having Chinese dudes killing one another with hatchets in the streets of SF without the police intervening is in the realm of possibilities, I suppose.  :P
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: viper37 on January 21, 2024, 02:07:14 PMI can't remember if I posted about this series before.

Warrior.  Coming from an 8 page Bruce Lee concept he wrote that became Kung Fu with David Carridine because the studio execs didn't think a tv show with an Asian lead could work.

His daughter has partnered with Justin Lin (Fast and Furious franchise) to produce the series.  The lead actor really channels Bruce Lee.

This is a clip of season 2.  Probably the best fight of the series, but there's a ton of fights in this series and a lot of dark humour.

It is set in San Francisco during the Thong Wars, when the Chinese gangs were going at each others and there were lots of racism due to Chinese workers being employed at low wages compared to Irish and other white workers.  The historical background make it quite interesting to watch, on top of the fight scenes.

The series was on HBO Max, soon to be on Netflix for the 3 seasons so far.  HBO has cancelled the series, there is hope that it will do well on Netflix and that a 4th season will be announced.

Not too related, but I wish they stuck with the initial idea of setting Big Trouble in Little China during that era.


Been watching s2 of Foundation. The story is silly and there's just too much rule of cool, but I love the world building and the backgrounds. The world seems lived in and I like how they replaced many characters going into the new season, whilst introducing lots of new.

It shows what a clusterfuck that Ring thing was, competent production could have turned that much more fleshed out story into this at the very least.


Quote from: celedhring on January 21, 2024, 05:06:42 PMNot too related, but I wish they stuck with the initial idea of setting Big Trouble in Little China during that era.

The initial initial idea for what became BTiLC was called Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League.  I wish they'd stuck with the initial initial idea.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Quote from: Threviel on January 21, 2024, 05:38:57 PMBeen watching s2 of Foundation. The story is silly and there's just too much rule of cool, but I love the world building and the backgrounds. The world seems lived in and I like how they replaced many characters going into the new season, whilst introducing lots of new.

It shows what a clusterfuck that Ring thing was, competent production could have turned that much more fleshed out story into this at the very least.

Foundation is very good.
Interesting series 2 finale of  [spoiler]just in case there was any doubt we are totally throwing the books out. Expect anything. [/spoiler] (how the hell do you do a spoiler tag?)

I don't get the vault though. How on earth do they have this mega-tech mystic thing just sitting there. Series 2 explains a bit but... not really.

And Ring? :unsure:


Quote from: grumbler on January 21, 2024, 08:17:31 PM
Quote from: celedhring on January 21, 2024, 05:06:42 PMNot too related, but I wish they stuck with the initial idea of setting Big Trouble in Little China during that era.

The initial initial idea for what became BTiLC was called Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League.  I wish they'd stuck with the initial initial idea.

Hehe. I watched Buckaroo Banzai as a kid and after the credits teased the sequel I was over the moon. Still feel robbed.

Still, if that movie hadn't bombed Richter wouldn't have probably went to write Big Trouble, so we still got something out of it.


Quote from: Josquius on January 22, 2024, 04:28:30 AM
Quote from: Threviel on January 21, 2024, 05:38:57 PMBeen watching s2 of Foundation. The story is silly and there's just too much rule of cool, but I love the world building and the backgrounds. The world seems lived in and I like how they replaced many characters going into the new season, whilst introducing lots of new.

It shows what a clusterfuck that Ring thing was, competent production could have turned that much more fleshed out story into this at the very least.

Foundation is very good.
Interesting series 2 finale of [spoilers]just in case there was any doubt we are totally throwing the books out. Expect anything. [/spoilers]

I don't get the vault though. How on earth do they have this mega-tech mystic thing just sitting there. Series 2 explains a bit but... not really.

And Ring? :unsure:

[spoiler]Yeah, the gather the entire population if a world in a magical sphere with no logistically viable entries in half an hour was quite silly. The vault is a super-dimensional infinite energy deus ex machina.

The idea that Seldon could survive the drowning undetected for days was stupid, someone would miss the dead guy.

Also stupid how Bel Riose was handled, he's supposed to be some Belisarius show casing how imperial grip is slipping due to the Emperor not trusting his successful generals, Belisarius style. Not some ninja dude going secretly undercover on dangerous worlds with his flight leader and also killing Day through entirely unsurprising and predictable rule of cool.[/spoiler]

Foundation is silly and predictable, but quite good none the less, they make it work.

The Ring is the Amazon LotR-spin off with Galadriel. Also a series moving through time with some constant actors and an ever changing cast. In theory.

Darth Wagtaros

Quote from: grumbler on January 21, 2024, 08:17:31 PM
Quote from: celedhring on January 21, 2024, 05:06:42 PMNot too related, but I wish they stuck with the initial idea of setting Big Trouble in Little China during that era.

The initial initial idea for what became BTiLC was called Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League.  I wish they'd stuck with the initial initial idea.
I held out hope for the longest time that the cult status of Buckaroo Bonzai and BTiLC would get them to make Against the World Crime League. 


Celedhring babysitting report:

We first watched some oldie Looney Toons cartoons, damn are those still great. He didn't seem to care much for them though. Was expecting that the frantic action would interest him, but no dice.

Then we watched Robin Hood (Disney's 1970s version) - one of my biggest childhood obsessions. This movie is the reason I wanted a pet fox as a kid, and in another time would have set me on a dangerous path of becoming a furry, since I thought Marian was such a pretty vixen (she's indeed credited as a "vixen" in the movie). Now, it's a movie I wasn't expecting much from as an adult, it's smack-dab in the middle of Disney's "bad" period. And I was not surprised. It's very slow-paced, the comedy is very silly, and the songs not great. It just feels pretty ordinary. The archery contest scene remains my favorite and it's one of the few highlights of the movie. That said, my nephew seemed to be interested - particularly during songs.

Next week I'll schedule Dark Cauldron. Now that's a movie I always wanted to check out again. One of those "this is scary but I can't stop watching for some reason" experiences when I was a kid. My nephew is still too young to actually be scared by it, too.

Admiral Yi


Ep1 Masters of Air was good. A decent sound bar helps


Quote from: Gups on January 26, 2024, 05:20:56 PMEp1 Masters of Air was good. A decent sound bar helps

So far so good. The only weird thing, and this is a me thing, is that I kept seeing Elvis. Which is odd because I don't normally typecast actors.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 26, 2024, 03:54:00 PMJungle Book! :w00t:

Not one of my favorites growing up, but it will eventually be screened.

I have to decide what do I want to do with the Herbie movies. They were childhood favorites but I have little doubt they will be unbearable as an adult. And I'm not sure I want to go down the rabbit hole of 1970s Disney live action...

Admiral Yi

Quote from: celedhring on January 27, 2024, 03:41:07 AMNot one of my favorites growing up

I will never be able to look at you the same way again.


Cheers Season 4 ended memorably with San dating Cpt. Janeway for a few episodes. Not going to lie, younger Kate Mulgrew as career politician plus here updone hair gave strong Janeway vibes. :P

Season 5 shows for the first time Cliff's mom, who turns out to be the grouchy doctor from Outland (a film I love despite its problems).

Of course she was dating "Fitz", played by Richard Erdmann.

AKA Leonard from Community.

The latter character actually being kinda reminiscent of Cheers' perpetual old drunk barfly played by Al Rosen who occasionally had a few lines:

I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

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