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TV/Movies Megathread

Started by Eddie Teach, March 06, 2011, 09:29:27 AM

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Lady and the tramp live action - interesting that instead of making the siamese cats less racist to east Asian people they replace them with black characatures.  All the wonderful racially harmonious world where a poor guy has a car was interesting.
Nonetheless. Dogs.
Though they do repeat the same plot point twice....
Yeah. Maybe not a good one despite the dogs.


HBO is worth it just for all the Criterion movies they have available. Wow!
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


The Chase (1968)

Robert Redford busts jail after THE MANTM tries to make him eat a pork chop.  No man is going to make Robert Redford eat no pork chop, no sir.  He's willing to stand up, 'cuz if you're willing to die, then no man can make you do nothing; and it's all about the freedom.

So, yeah, this film is from the 60s; and is considered one of the first "New Hollywood" films.  Marlon Brando is a sheriff of a small Texas town.  Robert Redford is a criminal who breaks jail and heads for his hometown.  The townspeople react to the news by gradually forming into a mob, while a smaller group plans to exact vigilante justice.

It's got a big name cast (in addition to Brando and Redford it also has Jane Fonda, Robert Duvall and Angie Dickinson); Brando, especially, turns in an impressive performance.  It's got some great scenes; notably the beat down scene, which at the time was one of the most brutal scenes in film and even today it's still shocking.  The film has got problems though; for thing it's a bit light on the verisimilitude as the immaculately coiffured Robert Redford is hardly believable as a man who has just spent two years in prison.  The bigger problem is that the film doesn't seem to know what it wants to be and varies from a Sinclair Lewis style critique of small town America, to a race picture, to a Tennessee Williams style southern family drama, to a thriller, to the drunken scene from "The Philadelphia Story," to one of those films where the whole town comes together to lynch Sidney Poitier. 

The director, Arthur Penn, had a lot of problems with the studio; which probably explains the lack of focus.  Penn had resolved to leave Hollywood and started working in the theater.  Fortunately he was encouraged to return, as his next film was "Bonnie and Clyde."
In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace—and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock

crazy canuck

Cursed- anyone who spent time in WoW with immediately recognize the Red Paladins as the Scarlet Crusade.

Eddie Teach

Pan's Labyrinth.

Are Spanish Army ranks the same as American? With all the toadying going on, you'd think the Captain was at least a Colonel.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: Eddie Teach on July 19, 2020, 12:05:27 AM
Are Spanish Army ranks the same as American?

Some names are different. A second Lt is referred to as alférez. A major is a comandante.


Admiral Yi

I'm convinced George Miller got a great deal of stylistic inspiration from Grabner's death ride in A Bridge Too Far.


Started watching Gods & Generals and turned it off after 15 minutes. Which are the good films about the American Civil War?


Lincoln. I quite liked Cold Mountain and The Beguiled too.

I think Glory is the classic ACW movie, though I haven't watched it.
Let's bomb Russia!


Agree on Lincoln/Glory.

Gettysburg is rather in the same vein as G&G, but far better/actually watchable.

The Outlaw Josey Wales.

The Horse Soldiers.

Admiral Yi

Glory is the best one.  Ride with The Devil is pretty good.


Finished Dark. Got super confusing and still some questions but nice it ends properly.

Started Mandalorian. Quite good if simple. Interesting how episodes are so short and the credits account for half the length

Admiral Yi

Yeah, Cold Mountain is good too, but it's a love story set in the Civil War.


Yeah, I'm more interested with movies that deal with the war directly.