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[PC]Civilization V coming!

Started by Syt, February 18, 2010, 12:58:21 PM

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Quote from: Martinus on May 17, 2013, 07:48:06 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 17, 2013, 07:43:05 AM
Quote from: Tamas on May 17, 2013, 07:32:46 AM
Fuck'em. If run-of-the-mill-slavs Polacks can pose as a unique civ, Hungary should, too.

meh, Polaks are just Hungarians with Winged Hussars. So, yeah, Poland yes, Magyars no. You already have "The Huns".

Besides, Hungarians are already represented as Austria and Turkey.


I really like the ideologies.

Quote- The Autocracy, Freedom and Order social policy trees are now the three main ideologies
- Unlocked in Modern Age or once you have built 3 factories; at which point you must chose an ideology
- There will be diplomatic benefits/penalties for those of the same or different ideology
- Can be changed (though this is not generally advised) but you will have a period of Anarchy
- There will be 16 different policies in each Ideology with three different levels, you will have to unlock a certain amount of level one and two policies before level three unlocks
- The first person to unlock an ideology get 2 free policies, Second gets 1 free policy
- Each of the ideologies will give bonuses for 3 out of the 4 victory conditions; Autocracy : Culture, Diplomatic and Domination; Freedom : Culture, Diplomatic and Space; Order : Culture, Domination and Space

They work the way religions work in which you choose the tenets as you "build" up your ideology (as opposed to social policies, where you just fill up the tree) but they are not exclusive (so if you choose one tenet, another civ can choose it too). The full list:

QuoteAutocracy Ideology

Level 1:
- Elite Forces; Wounded military units inflict 25% more damage than usual.
- Mobilization; Purchasing units 33% cheaper.
- United Front; Militaristic CS give units twice as often when at war with common foe.
- Futurism; +100 Tourism with every civ when a GWAM is born.
- Industrial Espionage; Spies steal techs twice as fast.
- Fortified Borders; +2 local happiness from each defensive building.
- Universal Healthcare; +1 local happiness for each National Wonder.

Level 2:
- Militarism; +2 Local happiness from each Barracks, Armory and Military Academy.
- Lightning Warfare; +3 movement for Great Generals. +1 movement and +15% attack for Armored units, armored units ignore ZoC.
- Police State; +3 local happiness from each Courthouse. Courthouse production is 50% cheaper.
- Nationalism; Unit maintenance reduced by 33%.
- Third Alternative; Strategic resources doubled. +5 science and food in capital.
- Total War; +25% production for military units. New units get +15 XP.

Level 3:
- Cult of Personality; +50% Tourism to civs fighting a common enemy.
- Gunboat Diplomacy; Gain 6 more influence (standard speed) than normal from CSs you could demand tribute from.
- Clauswitz's Legacy; Receive a 25% attack bonus to all Military Units for the next 50 turns after this policy is adopted.

QuoteFreedom Ideology

Level 1:
- Avant Garde; +25% GP rate.
- Creative Expression; +1 culture from each Great Work.
- Civil Society; Specialists consume only 1 food.
- Covert Action; Chance of CS election rigging doubled.
- Capitalism; +1 local happiness for each Bank, Mint and Stock Exchange.
- Economic Union; +3 gold for each trade route with another civ with Freedom.
- Universal Healthcare; +1 local happiness for each National Wonder.

Level 2:
- Volunteer Army; 6 units are maintenance free. Receive 6 Foreign Legion Infantry Units immediately.
- Urbanization; +1 local happiness from each Granary, Aqueduct, Water Mill and Hospital.
- Their Finest Hour; Combat strength of cities increased by 33%.
- Universal Sufferage; Specialists produce 1/2 unhappiness, Golden Ages increased by 50%.
- New Deal; All Great Person improvements get +4 to appropriate yield.
- Arsenal of Democracy; +25% production when building military units. +20 influence from gifting units to CSs.

Level 3:
- Media Culture; +34% Tourism generated by cities with a Broadcast Tower.
- Treaty Organization; Gain 4 more influence per turn (standard speed) with CSs you have pledged to protect.
- Space Procurements; May buy spaceship parts with gold.

QuoteOrder Ideology

Level 1:
- Hero of the People; +25% GP rate.
- Socialist Realism; +2 local happiness from Monuments. Monuments cost 50% less.
- Skyscrapers; Gold cost of purchasing buildings reduced by 33%.
- Patriotic War; +15% attack bonus in friendly territory.
- Double Agents; Spies twice as likely to capture enemy spies attempting to steal a tech.
- Young Pioneers; +1 local happiness from each Workshop, Factory and Solar/Nuclear/Hydro Plant.
- Universal Healthcare; +1 local happiness for each National Wonder.

Level 2:
- Academy of Sciences; +1 local happiness from science buildings.
- Party Leadership; +1 food, gold, science, production and culture in each city.
- Resettlement; New cities start with an extra pop.
- Cultural Revolution; +34% Tourism to other Order civs.
- Workers' Faculties; Factories grant +25% science and production cost is half the amount.
- Five-Year Plan; +2 production per city and +1 production for each mine and quarry.

Level 3:
- Dictatorship of the Proletariat; +34% Tourism to civs that have less happiness.
- Iron Curtain; Free Courthouse upon city capture.
- Spaceflight Pioneers; May finish Spaceship parts with Great Engineers. +10 science in capital.


I'm kinda tempted to make a high-happiness, high-tourism Autocratic Byzantium with Futurism, Fortified Borders, Universal Healthcare, Police State, Third Alternative and Cult of Personality and then win a Cultural victory.  :ph34r:

The Brain

Freedom has Universal Healthcare? :wacko:
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: Martinus on May 18, 2013, 01:00:25 AM
I'm kinda tempted to make a high-happiness, high-tourism Autocratic Byzantium with Futurism, Fortified Borders, Universal Healthcare, Police State, Third Alternative and Cult of Personality and then win a Cultural victory.  :ph34r:

Jaron hacked Martinus again.


Quote from: The Brain on May 18, 2013, 02:36:30 AM
Freedom has Universal Healthcare? :wacko:

All seem to have it. This is possibly a placeholder - that being said certain democracies in the world seem to have it. ;)


It seems Venice is highly likely to be the European civ they have not showed yet (and one of the two missing civs). Because of the alphabetical spread of the other civs and the list of achievements we know, the missing civ would need to come after Poland but before Zululand, so Venice fits.

The following European civs have been already ruled out due to their cities being spotted as city states:

Serbia (and Yugoslavia)
Holy Roman Empire
The Franks
Phoenicia (not really European, but worth pointing out)
Georgia (if you'd consider them European)
Armenia (if you'd consider them European)
Papal States

On top of that, Venice, which was a city state in early games, has NOT been spotted as a city state in any of the BNW preview games (along with Genoa, Florence and Valetta only) BUT a new city state with exactly the same type (Maritime) and color combination (Riga) has been spotted - and they have only done that so far to replace cities that were taken over by existing civs (e.g. Warsaw and Marrakesh in BNW, or Vienna in G&K).

So unless you can think of a civ that starts with a letter P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y or Z, and encompasses Northern Italy BUT not Milan (already spotted), I think it's a shoe-in.


I was so looking forward to playing the great Estonian civilization! :(
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Scotland would still be a possibility, yes?
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Syt on May 20, 2013, 07:42:47 AM
Scotland would still be a possibility, yes?

Edinburgh is on the Celts city list (in fact it is their capital) so not likely.


Ok, so not-so-subtle comment from PC Gamer in response to a question if they can reveal the name of the missing European civ:

QuoteI can't say anything yet, unfortunately. We'll have all the most serene details as soon as we get the okay.

Venice confirmed.


Quote from: Martinus on May 22, 2013, 11:49:17 PM
Ok, so not-so-subtle comment from PC Gamer in response to a question if they can reveal the name of the missing European civ:

QuoteI can't say anything yet, unfortunately. We'll have all the most serene details as soon as we get the okay.

Venice confirmed.

tourism UA right?
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Possibly - it's still not revealed - however speculations are that it could really go into any direction.

Some of the main themes of this expansion are, besides tourism, trade routes, thassalocracy and great works of art (both creation and plundering thereof from other civs) - arguably each of them fits Venice in some capacity.


By the way, for those of you who do not spend all their day on civfanatics, here's a helpful overview of the 7 so-far-revealed civs:

Unique Ability: Treasures of Nineveh
Every time you capture a city*, you gain a free technology that the city's owner has, and you do not. If you're completely ahead in tech, this does nothing.

Unique Unit: Siege Tower
Replacing the catapult, Siege Towers grant a bonus to attack against cities to all adjacent melee units. The tower itself can only attack cities.

Unique Building: Royal Library
Replaces the regular Library, and grants +1 Science for every citizen in the city where it's built. It also contains a slot for a Great Writing (part of the new Culture system) which, when filled, grants all units trained in the city with an xp boost.

Adviser T.J. says:
Assyria was always my biggest rival in the few games I played in the press build. Their civ ability makes it possible to spend most, if not all, of your resources on military early on, and steal your way back up the tech tree as you conquer. Taking cities is always tough in the early game, but Assyria is great at it. Once you get a Royal Library, your science scales based on population—so I would recommend taking Tradition policies, keeping your empire small and well-fed, and razing most of those cities you captured for the tech boost.

*My clarification - it works only once with respect of a single city, no matter how many times it changes hands.

Unique Ability: Carnival
Ain't no party like a Brazilian party. While you're in a Golden Age, you generate double Tourism (the new resource used for cultural victory) and double your chance to get a Great Artist.

Unique Unit: Pracinha
A replacement for modern Infantry, these guys build up points toward a Golden Age every time they defeat an enemy.

Unique Tile Improvement: Brazilwood Camp
Starting once you research Machinery, you can build these on any Jungle tile. They generate two Gold and, once Acoustics is researched, two Culture as well.

Adviser T.J. says:
Brazil is one of those civs that isn't going to play a whole lot differently from most in the earlier eras. Other than maximizing your happiness to produce more Golden Ages (and taking the policies that make them longer and more frequent), the best you can really do is manage your city placement to get the maximum number of Jungle tiles. If you don't start off near many, that probably means you'll want to take Liberty policies and go crazy with those settlers. From there, start preparing to become a military power once Pracinhas become available. Use them wisely while they're relevant, and once they become outdated, you can choose whether to scale back the aggression and focus on culture... or keep blazing along the warpath.

Unique Ability: Spice Islanders
The first three cities you found on continents other than the one you started on are immune to razing, and provide two extra, unique luxury resources.

Unique Unit: Kris Swordsman
This Swordsman replacement gains a random unit promotion the first time it is used in combat.

Unique Building: Candi
Replacing the Garden, the Candi must be built in a city on a river or lake. It grants you +2 Faith for every world religion that has at least one follower in the city.

Adviser T.J. says:
It's hard to figure out where to start with these guys. I'd consider them an advanced player's option. If you're into early conquest, tech up to Kris Swordsmen, make a lot of them, then plan your battles around the abilities they receive. Making the best use of the Candi seems tricky, since there isn't really a sure-fire way of encouraging other civs to send Missionaries your way, other than having good road systems and Open Borders treaties. Obviously, you'll want to take Liberty and Exploration policies, colonizing other continents as quick as possible. Those unique luxury resources will be hugely profitable with the new trade system.

Unique Ability: Gateway to Africa
You generate three Gold and one Culture for every civ and city-state you have a trade route with, on top of the normal trade route income.

Unique Unit: Berber Cavalry
A replacement for standard Cavalry, you get bonuses for fighting on home turf and in Desert tiles. These bonuses stack if you're fighting on a Desert in your own territory.

Unique Tile Improvement: Kasbah
Only buildable on Desert tiles, rockin' the Kasbah will give you one each of Food, Production, and Gold.

Adviser T.J. says:
Morocco was the only playable civ in the preview build, so I spent a lot of time with them. Expanding and diversifying your trade from a central hub city (using Tradition policies) as fast as possible is hugely profitable. The new Commerce tree (which doesn't really focus on naval stuff any more—that's been moved to Exploration) is your best friend. You should almost never run out of gold or happiness, with Golden Ages being almost constant in the late game. The Kasbah is a bit of an annoyance, as Desert tiles are usually where I set aside land for Great Person improvements, and I didn't make much use of the Berber Cavalry. Picking up the Desert Folklore religious tenet early is also extremely helpful. Cultural victory is the most obvious path, but trade routes to city-states also open up easy avenues to Diplomatic dominance.

Unique Ability: Solidarity
You get a free social policy every time you advance to a new era. BOOM.

Unique Unit: Winged Hussar
Replacing the Lancer, these guys are... how best to put this? How about "straight-up boss." They're faster and more powerful than a Lancer. If they deal more damage in combat than they take, the unit they're fighting is forced back one tile. If the enemy has nowhere to run, they take extra damage and may be destroyed.

Unique Building: Ducal Stable
A more awesome version of the non-ducal Stable, building one of these will generate one Gold for every Pasture within the city limits and grant all mounted units built there 15 XP.

Adviser T.J. says:
I really like Poland. If not for the bombshell that is... one of the unannounced civs we're not allowed to talk about yet, I'd even say they're my favorite new civ. Winged Hussars might be the most fun to use military unit in the entire game (and they're up against the likes of Danish Berserkers, so that's saying something). I recommend going straight into Honor policies, banking some Great Generals, and preparing to sweep all competitors off of your starting landmass by the end of the Renaissance. At that point, you can use your incredible ability to get free social policies to pick your poison in terms of victory conditions. Continue your conquests overseas or settle down? Either way, you'll probably want to go into Rationalism, since Science is the fast-track to those free policies.

Unique Ability: Mare Clausum
You get double to bonus gold for forming trade routes with cities that have different resources than you.

Unique Unit: Nao
A Caravel replacement with a one-time ability to execute a Trade Mission. You'll have to be adjacent to the territory of a civ or city-state you're at peace with, and the Nao will generate a one-time Gold payout that gets higher the further the ship is from your capital. It's also slightly faster than a stock Caravel.

Unique Tile Improvement: Feitoria
This one's interesting—it must be built on an empty coastal tile within the boundaries of a city-state. As long as it stands, it gives you a free copy of every resource that city-state has, even if you're at war with them.

Adviser T.J. says:
Some really interesting and fairly complicated mechanics are at work here. Like Indonesia, I'd classify them on the more advanced end of the difficulty scale. You'll want to tech up your navy and get Exploration policies as soon as possible, and generate as much gold with your Nao fleets as you can. Seek out city-states with particularly rare resources, especially ones you don't have access to, and get those Feitoria down to boost your happiness and trade income. Since gold can help you win just about any victory type, I wouldn't say Portugal is especially disposed to any given path. Science might be an interesting choice, especially since adopting the Freedom ideology now has an ability that lets you buy Spaceship parts instantly with cash.

QuoteThe Zulu
Unique Ability: Iklwa
You only pay half Gold maintenance for melee units, and all military units require 25 percent less XP to earn a promotion.

Unique Unit: Impi
Replacing the Pikeman, the Impi executes a ranged spear throw before combat begins that's not quite as powerful as a same era ranged unit.

Unique Building: Ikanda
The Zulu alternative to the Barracks does everything a Barracks does, as well as granting all pre-gundpowder units built in the same city faster movement and greater combat strength.

Adviser T.J. says:
Similar to Rome, the Zulu are extremely dangerous in the early game. I always took a deep breath when I discovered they were my neighbors. Your military will be a force to be reckoned with up through the late Medieval era, and you should probably aim to have Domination victory more or less sealed up by the time you research Gunpowder. Once the world begins to tech up, you'll want to start being conservative with your units. An Impi built at the Ikanda that is upgraded all the way to an Information Age equivalent will keep all of its unique promotions, making it a hugely valuable late game fighter.

Personally, I'm most excited to try Assyria, Poland and (yet-not-officially-confirmed-but-pretty-much-certain) Venice.


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