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Euro on the brink of collapse

Started by jimmy olsen, February 12, 2010, 09:23:26 PM

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Quote from: grumbler on February 15, 2010, 08:55:06 AMThe solution isn't closer political cooperation, but rather policies that make labor more mobile - including public awareness of the desirability of mobility.
To some extent the closer political cooperation is necessary to support that.  For example providing the necessary regulatory framework to avoid double taxation/double social security payments.  But other than that I agree and think it's something that'll just develop over time.  We've only had a single labour market for about 20 years I think so we've not developed that culture of movement yet; I think students who went on Erasmus will have it far more, for example. 

As Marti points out, however, if the language ability is there and the economic benefit is strong enough then people will move.  The UK, at the peak of EU-10 immigration, had several million Poles, Czechs, Baltics etc.
Let's bomb Russia!


Is Martim the sock of Lucy Anus, or is he another Portugese anti-Semite?