Stocks and Trading Thread - Channeling your inner Mono

Started by MadImmortalMan, December 21, 2009, 04:32:41 AM

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You think the new Zetas CEO is going to do better than the old one?

Admiral Yi

I think the new pretty boy president is serious about tackling vested interests and opening up markets.

Admiral Yi

MFHI up 42% since I bought in, haven't gotten the bullshit legal case bounce yet. :punk:



0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Pandora is doing very well recently, though.  Wish I had gotten more of that.

Admiral Yi

My AGNC is tanking as well, but I did the calculation and I'm still getting a 14% yield based on the last dividend.

Maybe the market thinks the dividend is going to sink like a stone?  Not really sure how this thing works.  Broke Buffet's rule #1 when i bought in.


Hm, just noticed I picked up 150 shares of Annaly Capital Management (NLY) today.  Whoops :blush:
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points

Admiral Yi

Dude, that's not even close to the spelling you were aiming for.


0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Yields going up--bonds get hit. These REITs are taking it in the ass on their valuations, and that hurts the book value. It matters a lot if they are trading the bonds rather than holding them for the coupon. Everything connected to real estate got hammered today.
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


Bye Bye!


Steve Ballmer Resigning

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer put an end to years of speculation about his future on Friday, announcing plans to retire within the next 12 months once a successor is named to replace him.

Ballmer was employee number 30 at Microsoft, coming on board in 1980 – five years after it's founding. He was the first business manager hired by founder Bill Gates, and led a number of divisions before becoming president in 1998, and then CEO in 2000 when Gates stepped aside from the day-to-day management of the company. Under his tenure, Microsoft's annual revenue rose from $25 billion to $70 billion, and most recently he has driven an attempt to unify the mobile and desktop operating systems with Windows 8.

"There is never a perfect time for this type of transition, but now is the right time," Ballmer said in a statement. "We have embarked on a new strategy with a new organization and we have an amazing senior leadership team. My original thoughts on timing would have had my retirement happen in the middle of our company's transformation to a devices and services company. We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction."

Microsoft's board has appointed a special committee to lead the succession search, and Gates is among its members.

"As a member of the succession planning committee, I'll work closely with the other members of the board to identify a great new CEO," said Gates. "We're fortunate to have Steve in his role until the new CEO assumes these duties."

Ballmer's departure will be the passing of the baton from one of Microsoft's early employees to a new generation, and one of the last executives to help lead a company from a start-up into a Fortune 500 giant, said James Alexander, a senior vice-president with the Info-Tech Research Group.

"Lots of people are talking about the fact Microsoft needs a change but just look at the fortunes of some of the other iconic companies, the Sun Microsystems of this world, and you have to say regardless of whether the criticism he receives for not growing the company or it getting stodgy, it's still in business and has the largest footprint in the corporate world of any organization," said Alexander.

MSFT +5%

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
:punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk:
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers

Ed Anger

I'm going to make a defense play when the market opens tomorrow.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive

Phillip V

Ed Anger

Well, considering the thread title includes "stocks" in the title, it might have something to do with that.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive