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Started by Josquius, April 04, 2009, 01:24:24 PM

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Has anyone ever been to the south east corner of Sweden?
Randomly me and my friend have decided to go on a pilgrimage there next week but I'm not sure if there's anything in particular worth seeing..... Hjelp?

The Brain

I would say yes there is.

I have been there a couple of times. Öland is a nice place, has old stuff (eg old iron age forts, google Eketorp), nice nature (eg the Alvaret and ornithology heaven at the southern tip of the island). The city of Kalmar on the mainland was once one of the most important cities in the kingdom and has a spectacular 16th century fortress (google Kalmar slott).

There is also the nuclear power plant at Oskarshamn about 60 km north of Kalmar. It has 3 boiling water reactors, and also the facility for intermediate storage of used nuclear fuel. :nerd:

About the same distance south in the province of Blekinge is the city of Karlskrona which was founded in the late 17th century as Sweden's main naval base, the fleet moved there from Stockholm to get better access to ice free waters. It has sights that you would expect in such a place.

IIRC bmo is from Blekinge...

If you go to Öland you are likely getting there by crossing the 6 km Öland bridge.

For some shots of the Öland bridge and the ruins of Borgholm castle on the island see this Roxette music video:

What kind of stuff are you guys interested in?
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Forts and general cool buildings and whatnot suits me fine if they're not too out of the way (we don't have a car). I'm going with a girly type thingy though so nothing too nerdily militaristic I'm afraid. Nature is good though.

We're in Kalmar nation here so our main reasons for going there are rather trivial really. We just wanted to go somewhere different in Sweden and kill påsk away from Uppsala.