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Migrant parasites part #3456

Started by Slargos, September 18, 2009, 03:54:55 PM

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Quote from: Slargos on September 18, 2009, 03:54:55 PM
So apparently a new bidrag (literally translated "contribution" and the catch-all term for various forms of welfare payments) has been created in order to facilitate the repatriation of "asylumseekers" who've been denied asylum in a country where murderers and rapists are routinely granted it.
That is an impressive amount of untruths packed into a single sentence.

Fírst, the contribution is not new, its been there for years. Second, practically all civilized nations have something similar. Third, it is a net-benefit to the government as you point out, this is bad? Fourth, murderers and rapists are not routinely granted asylum, at least not if the migration authority is given information about said crimes. Quite on the contrary, being guilty of murder or rape are grounds for being expelled from this country.


Quote from: Bluebook on September 19, 2009, 12:56:18 PM
Quote from: Slargos on September 18, 2009, 03:54:55 PM
So apparently a new bidrag (literally translated "contribution" and the catch-all term for various forms of welfare payments) has been created in order to facilitate the repatriation of "asylumseekers" who've been denied asylum in a country where murderers and rapists are routinely granted it.
That is an impressive amount of untruths packed into a single sentence.

Fírst, the contribution is not new, its been there for years. Second, practically all civilized nations have something similar. Third, it is a net-benefit to the government as you point out, this is bad? Fourth, murderers and rapists are not routinely granted asylum, at least not if the migration authority is given information about said crimes. Quite on the contrary, being guilty of murder or rape are grounds for being expelled from this country.

That's an impressive amount of obfuscation packed into a single paragraph.

First, it's news to me since I only learned of it recently what with currently living in a country that while far from perfect doesn't have an insane asylum policy. (Granted, Norway recently gave asylum to 9 taliban fighters wanted for, dig it, murder and rape in Afghanistan)

Second, I'm sure you'll be able to back up your claim that "practically every" nation has the same policy.

Thirdly, murder and rape has never REALLY been a bar to being granted asylum in Sweden. I'm reminded of the kosovar mass-murderers currently living in Göteborg. In addition it is my impression that it is the exception rather than the rule that violent criminals such as murderers and rapists and expelled because of their crimes.