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Best film/TV US President?

Started by celedhring, November 22, 2020, 03:59:35 AM

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Who has been the best US President in the world of movies and TV?

President James Marshall (Harrison Ford - Air Force One)
1 (4.5%)
President Josiah E. Bartlett (Martin Sheen - The West Wing)
9 (40.9%)
President Thomas J. Whitmore (Bill Pullman - Independence Day)
5 (22.7%)
President Jordan Lyman (Fredric March - Seven Days in May)
1 (4.5%)
President Andrew Sheperd (Michael Douglas - The American President)
0 (0%)
President James W. Sawyer (Jamie Foxx - White House Down)
0 (0%)
President Tom Beck (Morgan Freeman - Deep Impact)
2 (9.1%)
President Douglass Dilmann (James Earl Jones - The Man)
0 (0%)
President William H. Mitchell (impersonated by Dave Kovic) (Kevin Kline - Dave)
2 (9.1%)
President David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert - 24)
1 (4.5%)
Other (Name him/her)
1 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 21


Quote from: The Larch on November 25, 2020, 10:29:55 AM
Quote from: celedhring on November 25, 2020, 10:14:28 AMIsn't Oldman always playing the villain even when he isnt?  :hmm:

Except in the Batman films.
And, I suppose, Tinker, Tailor.

My rule is if Gary Oldman is good and muted = goodie; if Gary Oldman is good and, shall we say, not muted = baddie.
Let's bomb Russia!

The Larch

Quote from: Sheilbh on November 25, 2020, 10:41:43 AM
Quote from: The Larch on November 25, 2020, 10:29:55 AM
Quote from: celedhring on November 25, 2020, 10:14:28 AMIsn't Oldman always playing the villain even when he isnt?  :hmm:

Except in the Batman films.
And, I suppose, Tinker, Tailor.

My rule is if Gary Oldman is good and muted = goodie; if Gary Oldman is good and, shall we say, not muted = baddie.

Yeah, the louder he is, the likelier it is that he's a villain.  :lol:


Quote from: Sheilbh on November 25, 2020, 10:18:12 AM
Quote from: celedhring on November 25, 2020, 10:14:28 AM
Isn't Oldman always playing the villain even when he isnt?  :hmm:

The Contender was in my shortlist, but I wanted to keep it at 10 and as you say Bridges' character doesn't really feel too momentous.

In a way that's Oldman's take too. He thought he was playing the hero :mellow:

He was definitely the hero in Leon: The Professional.

A cop who loves music must be heroic ... 😉
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Let's bomb Russia!


Quote from: jimmy olsen on November 25, 2020, 07:07:46 AM
President Whitmore

I am sympathetic to his apparent character, and how he handles a crisis...but there is no insight into his domestic agenda, other than taking the decision to nuke Houston.

Eddie Teach

Yeah, how are we supposed to rate fictional Presidents without knowing their stance on marginal tax rates?  :huh:
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Whitmore is a wartime president, domestic policy definitely takes a back seat when evaluating him.

Eddie Teach

Did he really do anything besides give a hokey speech?
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: Eddie Teach on November 25, 2020, 03:02:18 PM
Did he really do anything besides give a hokey speech?

He flew a F/A-18 into battle - probably the first President to personally lead troops in battle since Washington.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I am a bit sad to find the SNL bit from back in the day with Pullman/Whitmore debating Bob Dole/(I think it was Norm Macdonald) is not on the internets.  :(


Funnily, the Independence Day wiki actually has a bit about his domestic policy (taken from the film's novelization). It looks like he was rather ineffectual despite having an ambitious agenda.

During his first years in office, he had introduced major legislative initiatives to reform everything from the legal system to health care to the environment. However, these programs had been stalled by committees and lawmakers. Against the advice of his advisers, Whitmore spent most of his time and energy shepherding his bills through the process, allowing himself to be bogged down by first-term representatives, which he was often forced to make favors with policymakers to achieve his policies.[2] As a result, public opinion openly attacked him for his meek outlook and inexperience in politics, and his prestige and popularity plummeted.

I'll also add that giving pompous speeches is one of the main attributes of the office in Hollywood presidents, and he friggin' delivered.


Quote from: celedhring on November 25, 2020, 03:16:32 PM
I'll also add that giving pompous speeches is one of the main attributes of the office in Hollywood presidents, and he friggin' delivered.

But he didn't punctuate his speech with blasts from automatic rifles! #PresidentCamacho4evah!
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Yeah, I have to agree with Camacho.  As others pointed out he actually listened and deferred to experts, and also I would love it if Biden began a speech with "Shit!  I know shit's bad right now..."
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Caliga on November 25, 2020, 04:00:47 PM
Yeah, I have to agree with Camacho.  As others pointed out he actually listened and deferred to experts, and also I would love it if Biden began a speech with "Shit!  I know shit's bad right now..."

Plus Terry Crews > Bill Pullman
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I like Bill Pullman.  He was really good in Serpent and the Rainbow and Spaceballs.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points