Operation Destroy the bed-wetting communist menace

Started by Habsburg, July 14, 2009, 02:47:23 PM

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Game: HOI2
latest version, original game (not doomsay) stoney road mod

April '40, about to blow to Paris.  Fall back from Freiburg in hopes 40-45 French divisions will run into...

(attn French AI:)

Logistical Strike Frieburg to 2.2%  :menace:

Thrust  :perv: to Rheims with my Reichs Armee and destroy France.
Then it's on to Paris for a little shopping:

Oh yes, and perhaps in celebration rename my CVIII from Graf Spee to Miss Coco Chanel?

Well here is my question:

Getting ready for "Operation smash the commie-bedwetters to pieces as quickly as possible" set for May '41.

Is it worth researching many/most of the little brigade thingys?

I normally go with ARTY/ENG and Hvy Tanks

Do the others bring on enough panache to make it worth the tech spots?

Those ACs look rather jaunty, and I like the idea of SP, but I think normal arty does the trick nicely. :shrug:



Ed Anger

I usually did the brigades. I'd give heavy tanks to tank divisions in armies (a tank division with a bunch of infantry) and TD's and SP Arty to tank and mech divisions in panzerkorps I was using when blowing through holes in the lines and exploiting the rear areas.

I usually never bothered much with armored cars.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Most brigades can be safely skipped, like Armored cars (though the 1st level can be good early on for low-tech countries), AA, AT, and Rockets. Artillery, SP-Art, Eng, Police (for garrisons) are the good ones. Especially SP-Art.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on July 14, 2009, 04:54:44 PM
Most brigades can be safely skipped, like Armored cars (though the 1st level can be good early on for low-tech countries), AA, AT, and Rockets. Artillery, SP-Art, Eng, Police (for garrisons) are the good ones. Especially SP-Art.

I used to develope SP-art for my tanks, then I paid attention to Heavy Tanks.  At the advanced level they seem to rock SP-art on Tanks?  (Earlier SP seems better) 

Maybe do the SP-Art until ADV HT, then move the SP-art to motor/mech?



Monkeybuttpirate and HMBOB both get three, yes three Prada points for their help.

That pipeline is now closed.


"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: garbon on July 14, 2009, 05:02:13 PM
Some is clearly saturated in prada.

I'm not so big on her Spring collection for '10.  :(


The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



So here is what I'm thinking for my OB (? is that the correct name?) for "operation liberate the bedwetters from their Uncle Joe" May '40:

HQs w/3INF each
Armee Heerensgruppe, Armee Osterreich, I. Armee, II. Armee, III. Armee, und IV. Armee

V. und VI. Armees (5INF w/3ART,1ENG,1AT)

millions of three division korps
some 3INF
some 3INF art
some 3INF 2art plus 1eng
some 3INF 2art plus 1AT

I. - IV. Panzerarmee(s) 2Tanks w/Heavy Tank and 1MOT w/ENG
I - IV. Panzerkorps 1Tank w/Heavy Tank

I've got 3 korps with 2MOT w/ENG just don't know what to name them  :Embarrass:

Those ACs look so jaunty. I could see Lt. General Sheilbh or Mj. General Garbon running around in them with scarfs blowing in the wind.  But I shant waste such sillyness on precious tech spots.

I want teh Bomb quickly.  :menace:


Only ART and SP-ART are worth the effort. Use SP-ART where you don't want the speed of your units reduced. For the rest, use ART (or don't bother with brigades at all).

Actually, I only use brigades for the role-playing value.


Quote from: Habsburg on July 14, 2009, 02:47:23 PM
Game: HOI2
latest version, original game (not doomsay) stoney road mod

April '40, about to blow to Paris.  Fall back from Freiburg in hopes 40-45 French divisions will run into...

(attn French AI:)

Those ACs look rather jaunty, and I like the idea of SP, but I think normal arty does the trick nicely. :shrug:


Artillery slows your MOT, MEC and ARM down, but can be used as a last resort early game. I would not recommend it for the war in Russia. Imagine tank crews hopping out of their tanks to push goddamn 88 mms out of creeks and mud.

Arty is good for INF, MTN. SP ART for MAR (with one ENG in a corps), MOT, MEC and ARM. Forget PAR. MTN are also optional, but it is nice to have some snazzily dressed Alpenjäger "liberating" the Caucasus. :perv:


Quote from: BVN on July 15, 2009, 04:33:09 AM
Actually, I only use brigades for the role-playing value.

This.  Unless Stoney Road seriously rebalanced the brigades, you're more efficient on TC / IC / MP/ *and* research to build more units than to add brigades.


Just curious, so no one likes the heavy tank brigades? 

I know it slows tanks by -1 but the softness/toughness looked good.  I don't know, this is the first time I've used them.  I normally go in with SP attached to my tanks.

I'll watch if I see much of a difference.

Ed Anger

Quote from: Habsburg on July 15, 2009, 10:13:49 AM
Just curious, so no one likes the heavy tank brigades? 

I know it slows tanks by -1 but the softness/toughness looked good.  I don't know, this is the first time I've used them.  I normally go in with SP attached to my tanks.

I'll watch if I see much of a difference.

I only use them in tank divisions in infantry armies. As a German player, I just had to have Tiger's in the game.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive