UK Parliamentary General Election 8th June 2017

Started by mongers, April 19, 2017, 08:44:06 PM

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The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quis futuit ipsos fututores?


Not sure why that photo is getting traction, to my eye it's just someone who likes pets naturally interacting with them, seem quite normal to make facial expression towards dogs given they appear to 'read' peoples faces. 
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Using one's estate to pay for healthcare sounds an attractive proposition.  I'd rather get decent healthcare and lose my flat after my death, than retain the flat and die without healthcare. 


Quote from: garbon on May 20, 2017, 01:23:44 PM
I've tilted to the left! (did all the extra questions)

64% Labour
62% Lib Dem
60% Plaid Cymru

I get the impression it isn't setup right. A question asks should the railways be privatised.

This time I got
79- Lib Dem
76 - Labour
64- Green


Science • Immigration • Foreign Policy • Electoral • Domestic Policy • National Security • Education • Economic • Social

Science • Foreign Policy • Healthcare • National Security • Education • Economic • Social

Democratic Unionist
Science • Immigration • Electoral • National Security • Education

British National
Science • Foreign Policy • Healthcare • National Security • Social

Liberal Democrat
Science • Immigration • Healthcare • Social • Criminal

Science • Immigration • Education • Social

Plaid Cymru
Immigration • Social

Immigration • Social

Immigration • Criminal

Sinn Féin
Immigration • Social


Although it is definitely not correctly done for the UK election - there's one question relating to French families reuniting IIRC.
"Come grow old with me
The Best is yet to be
The last of life for which the first was made."


Apparently, Tory lead has halved in the polls. Good thing this will be over in two weeks because I am in no mood for a Stalinist prime minister


Quote from: Tamas on May 22, 2017, 01:41:06 AM
Apparently, Tory lead has halved in the polls. Good thing this will be over in two weeks because I am in no mood for a Stalinist prime minister

Theresa May shows more of those signs than Corbyn does.

Despite the media smears he doesn't even go over into the domain of Marxism let alone stalinism

Richard Hakluyt

Unfunded promises are another matter.

I'd be tempted to vote Labour if they also promised to provide ponies for any working class girls who want one. Pony inequality is a huge problem throughout the land.

It is an uninspiring choice before us, I'm inclined to spoil my vote  :(


Quote from: Tyr on May 22, 2017, 01:53:58 AM
Quote from: Tamas on May 22, 2017, 01:41:06 AM
Apparently, Tory lead has halved in the polls. Good thing this will be over in two weeks because I am in no mood for a Stalinist prime minister

Theresa May shows more of those signs than Corbyn does.

Despite the media smears he doesn't even go over into the domain of Marxism let alone stalinism

It's like the case of Trump vs. pretty much everyone else in the GOP: with May, at least you know well ahead that she will go as far as the people will let with her quasi fascist agenda, but she will not risk the collapse of the political system just to try and go all in.

I feel no such assurances with Corbyn.

Admiral Yi

Read that Corbyn said Marx was "a great economist."


Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on May 22, 2017, 02:11:42 AM
Unfunded promises are another matter.

I'd be tempted to vote Labour if they also promised to provide ponies for any working class girls who want one. Pony inequality is a huge problem throughout the land.

It is an uninspiring choice before us, I'm inclined to spoil my vote  :(

If you want to talk about uncosted manifestos look to the Tories.
They've been keen to cost the labour one (badly) but not their own.
Labours policy is actually fairly well costed when you consider a lot of the stuff isn't meant to happen overnight, merely being the direction they want to move in.

Richard Hakluyt

@Tyr - well I'm not going to vote for them either, far too authoritarian for my liking. I guess I'll vote Lib-Dem who at least accept that high-quality services require higher taxes.

It is all academic anyway, huge Labour majority here. Are you registered and voting btw?


87% Labour
86% Libdem
56% UKIP
52% Tory

Religious   vs   Secular
You side strongly towards "Secular", meaning you strongly support policies that reflect a separation of church and state. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Traditional   vs   Progressive
You side moderately towards "Progressive", meaning you believe we should be a nation that values personal freedom, expression, and diversity. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Unilateralism   vs   Multilateralism
You side strongly towards "Multilateralism", meaning you strongly believe policy decisions should be made collectively with support of everyone who may be affected by the outcome of the decision. This theme is somewhat important to you.

Tough   vs   Tender
You side slightly towards "Tender", meaning you more often believe in showing compassion, empathy, and rehabilitation for small-time criminals or those struggling with addiction. This theme is only less important to you.

Collectivism   vs   Individualism
You are a centrist on Collectivism and Individualism issues. This theme is somewhat important to you.

And apparently, Kessingland ( :unsure: ) is closest to my views.

I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Had a look at the German one and half the questions are copy&paste from the US and have little relevance to the political discourse here.