What does a TRUMP presidency look like?

Started by FunkMonk, November 08, 2016, 11:02:57 PM

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The Brain

QuoteRepublican Senator Josh Hawley has pushed a bill that would ban federal employees from using the app on their government phones.

What's the deal with all these bills? Isn't what you can use your government work phone for just an administrative decision? Doesn't he have confidence that Trump will do that, or what?
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


They're often just part of the political theater so that the minor Congress-critters can show "I'm doing something!"

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.


There's been a fairly big Tik Tok scandal over here because it was discovered that members who were reported for grooming children only had their account suspended for a week which is nowhere near good enough.

And Tik Tok have said they're not under the thumb of the Chinese government, but have stopped talks on opening the European HQ in London following the issues of the last few months.
Let's bomb Russia!

Grey Fox

All Chinese companies are under the thumb of the Chinese government & can't say it.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.



Trump is now calling for a delay to the election?


It's like he's trying to become an autocrat, but knows he lacks the actual will or ability.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


So what are the chances that if Trump loses the election:

a) Screams, whines and makes a bunch of petty tweets about not recognizing the election because it's rigged, but nothing else (I'd presume quite high)
b) Actually refuses to leave his office (I'd presume very low)
c) Has actual support if he decided to do b) (I hope very low)

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.

Eddie Teach

Not really. They'll keep him from being shot, but not much else.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: celedhring on July 30, 2020, 09:55:19 AM
So what are the chances that if Trump loses the election:

a) Screams, whines and makes a bunch of petty tweets about not recognizing the election because it's rigged, but nothing else (I'd presume quite high)
b) Actually refuses to leave his office (I'd presume very low)
c) Has actual support if he decided to do b) (I hope very low)
a) 100%
b) 10%
c) 1%
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


I mean define support.

I think a lot about that Anne Applebaum line about the Polish elections where you have a chunk of the Law and Order voters - probably about 25% of Polish voters in total - who believe that there was a (successful) conspiracy involving the other parties in Poland, the Polish government, Donald Tusk personally, the Polish media/establishment and Russia to murder the Polish President. If you've got that base you can kind of tell them anything and you don't need to build out your base that much to win because that 25% is going nowhere.

So I think there's something similar to that in the US with Trump - especially the QAnon wing of the GOP. I'm not sure what that level is, but I don't see any reason to think they wouldn't believe him if he started alleging that the election was rigged etc and I don't see any reason to think that group of the electorate would believe other GOP figures if they kind of try to disabuse them of that notion.
Let's bomb Russia!


"Support" means people actively working to prevent another president to be sworn in, not just tweeting memes. It can range from idiot militias travelling to Washington to political figures attempting to pass legislation, or others.

We'd be entering coup d'etat territory, so I presume that particular rubicon wouldn't be crossed yet.

The Brain

The coup will be followed by an "Enjoy!". :)
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: The Brain on July 30, 2020, 10:26:35 AM
The coup will be followed by an "Enjoy!". :)
"Your favorite President has seized control of CNN and Dulles Airport!"
Let's bomb Russia!