Those Harambe jokes have gone further than I thought...

Started by Hamilcar, August 14, 2016, 02:03:03 PM

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QuotePrankster pretends to be 'Wall Street' character, asks Ruby Tuesday about gorilla death
Sarah Whitten   | @sarahwhit10
Friday, 12 Aug 2016 | 9:25 AM ET

Ruby Tuesday's fiscal fourth-quarter earnings miss was overshadowed on Thursday by a prank caller who chimed into the company's earnings call.

The unidentified caller gained access to the analyst call by pretending to be Buddy Fox from Geneva Roth Holding Corporation, a fictional character played by Charlie Sheen in the 1987 film "Wall Street."

The caller asked J.J. Buettgen, CEO of Ruby Tuesday, if the chain's slipping sales were tied to the death of Harambe, the gorilla from the Cincinnati Zoo who was killed after a child climbed into his enclosure.

Here's the conversation, which was first reported by Business Insider:

QuoteOperator: Our next question comes from Buddy Fox with Geneva Roth Holding Corporation.

Buddy Fox: I just have one question. Do you think your revenues are negatively impacted by Harambe's death and if yes, do you have any plans to mitigate it?

J.J. Buettgen: Excuse me, can you repeat your question please? Impacted by what?

Buddy Fox: By Harambe's death and if yes, do you have plans to mitigate it?

J.J. Buettgen: I am sorry, I don't know, we have a bad connection, I couldn't quite hear the question.

Operator: He has lost connection. We will turn to Bryan Hunt with Wells Fargo.

Representatives from Ruby Tuesday did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.

Same-store sales for the company fell 3.7 percent in the fiscal fourth-quarter. Shares of the company plummeted almost 14 percent in pre-market trading on Friday. The Tennessee-based chain also said it will close about 95 of its restaurants.


I guess it's only slightly more imaginative than "Ba-ba-booey."

Although, considering the nature of the call, how can you not sniff out a gag name like that? C'mon.  Why not page Dr. Dover, Dr Ben Dover, on the hospital PA system.

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