Afghan refugee goes on axe rampage on German train

Started by Hamilcar, July 18, 2016, 07:09:22 PM

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The Brain

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He was supposedly fairly well integrated, had an internship etc. Arrived unaccompanied middle of last year.

From the materials the police found he first expressed Jihadist thoughts a few days before the deed. There is aparrently a he made a video claiming the deed posted by IS affiliates. Not a regular mosque visitor. Completely off the radar for police.

There were two earlier attacks by minors in Germany this year. Looks like the IS has found a new target group.

The Brain

I hear the guy was actually from Pakistan but had lied about his origins to get asylum in Germany. But I'm sure he at least didn't lie about his age.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: The Brain on July 20, 2016, 05:28:04 AM
I hear the guy was actually from Pakistan but had lied about his origins to get asylum in Germany. But I'm sure he at least didn't lie about his age.

:lol: He looked to be in his early 20s at least.


Quote from: Zanza on July 19, 2016, 11:20:55 PM
He was supposedly fairly well integrated, had an internship etc. Arrived unaccompanied middle of last year.

From the materials the police found he first expressed Jihadist thoughts a few days before the deed. There is aparrently a he made a video claiming the deed posted by IS affiliates. Not a regular mosque visitor. Completely off the radar for police.

There were two earlier attacks by minors in Germany this year. Looks like the IS has found a new target group.

They just keep making it harder for us to stay liberal and accepting. If true, *anyone* from these cultures is potentially weaponizable in days.


Quote from: Hamilcar on July 20, 2016, 06:32:48 AM
Quote from: Zanza on July 19, 2016, 11:20:55 PM
He was supposedly fairly well integrated, had an internship etc. Arrived unaccompanied middle of last year.

From the materials the police found he first expressed Jihadist thoughts a few days before the deed. There is aparrently a he made a video claiming the deed posted by IS affiliates. Not a regular mosque visitor. Completely off the radar for police.

There were two earlier attacks by minors in Germany this year. Looks like the IS has found a new target group.

They just keep making it harder for us to stay liberal and accepting. If true, *anyone* from these cultures is potentially weaponizable in days.

I am afraid it is in big part because there ARE vastly different concepts of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in these cultures.

Like, when the mass gropin happened in Germany, it was pointed out how this is  fairly old and regular event in Egypt and the Middle East. And just I like I have not started drinking tea with goddamn milk just because I moved to the UK, these guys are not going to un-learn 20 years of socialisation and experienced patterns of behaving with women just because they relocated for better living conditions.

Stabbing and axing people for things we consider mild annoyances must be a fairly common thing in Afghanistan.

So sure, judging by this guy, all of them can be weaponised by the radicals, but this is not the sign of some super-effective brainwashing method. It is merely showing the kind of violent culture these guys are coming from.


Quote from: Tamas on July 20, 2016, 06:38:10 AM
So sure, judging by this guy, all of them can be weaponised by the radicals, but this is not the sign of some super-effective brainwashing method. It is merely showing the kind of violent culture these guys are coming from.

Sorry, yes, that was actually what I was getting at. Their deeply held religious and cultural beliefs make them incapable of living in our society.


Quote from: Hamilcar on July 20, 2016, 06:39:34 AM
Quote from: Tamas on July 20, 2016, 06:38:10 AM
So sure, judging by this guy, all of them can be weaponised by the radicals, but this is not the sign of some super-effective brainwashing method. It is merely showing the kind of violent culture these guys are coming from.

Sorry, yes, that was actually what I was getting at. Their deeply held religious and cultural beliefs make them incapable of living in our society.

I disagree, that is far from being an universal truth.

What is failing, however, is the expectation that whoever comes here understands our cultural standards and is ready to abide by them. Often, it seems, neither of these are true.

I'd say the answer to this is to demand more cultural integration in exchange of residence rights, to filter out the incompatible and help the migrants compatible with our way of life integrate easier, but it is a slippery slope and it is very easy to turn such efforts into some fascists nightmare, even by mistake.


I somewhat agree with you. "Understanding" of cultural standards isn't really the problem. Their fundamental beliefs are such that even if they understand our values, theirs still take precedence.


If they come over it is them who must integrate. Tamas is just suckin dick and paving the way for the next attack.

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"

The Brain

The main problem in Sweden is that we don't have a society that gives the correct feedback to people with disruptive views or behavior. This completely regardless of the color of their skin or name of their god. Sweden has AIDS, if some illness comes along (from whatever source) we're fucked since the system won't provide useful feedback. Unfortunately Swedes don't want a society that provides good feedback because then they'd have to accept personal responsibility, which is anathema to Swedish voters.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


@Brain: I recently read that the Swedish political class is convinced (or pretends to be convinced) that right wing extremism, rather than radical Islam, is the most significant threat to Swedish society. How correct is this?