Star Wars Discussion Thread contains spoilers (and may contain nuts)

Started by Josephus, December 15, 2015, 10:36:39 AM

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So I am planning to see it on Wednesday (we have a public holiday here). Should I watch any of the Star Wars movies before I do so? I have seen all of them a long time ago.


Quote from: Martinus on January 04, 2016, 02:24:01 PM
So I am planning to see it on Wednesday (we have a public holiday here). Should I watch any of the Star Wars movies before I do so? I have seen all of them a long time ago.

You don't have to watch anything.  As long as you know who the major characters are (Luke, Leia, Han) then you'll be fine.

That being said it's never a bad idea to watch Star Wars movies.   :cool:

4 would be the most important to see (lots of visual cues and references to that movie), then 5 and 6.

You do not need to watch 1-3 at all.  They aren't referenced in the slightest.  I'm on record though for saying that while they're not great, they're not horrible and if you're in the mood, go ahead and watch them.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Martinus on January 04, 2016, 02:24:01 PM
Should I watch any of the Star Wars movies before I do so? I have seen all of them a long time ago.
Yes, especially the newest trilogy, I'd watch 2 or 3 times to be sure to understand it perfectly.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.

The Minsky Moment

Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 04, 2016, 01:04:40 AM
Don't read this post if you're emotionally invested in the movie and you're very sensitive.

Yi posting a trigger warning.  What is the world coming to?  :(
The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.
--Joan Robinson


Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Star Wars is not really science fiction so big deal. They have never bothered with any of that science stuff.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on January 04, 2016, 10:03:23 PM
Star Wars is not really science fiction so big deal. They have never bothered with any of that science stuff.
Lucas introduced midiclorians. he made it science fiction. once again he ruins everything :lol:
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


I wonder how much of the star's energy gets depleted by the process of transporting a bolt of pure energy instantaneously through hyperspace.  :P
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


The dudes that bashed Fury Road for being anti-male propaganda are at it again, this time with TFA.

That must be some elaborate comedy, surely? They out themselves when praising the character development of Anakin Skywalker in the prequels.


Quote from: celedhring on January 05, 2016, 12:09:30 AM
The dudes that bashed Fury Road for being anti-male propaganda are at it again, this time with TFA.

That must be some elaborate comedy, surely? They out themselves when praising the character development of Anakin Skywalker in the prequels.

Lol, the comments discussion devolves into an argument about how white men have lost control of their women as the source of the problem.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


QuoteOK, since you're still here and have seen the movie (RIGHT?), let's chat. When we last left our new favorite heroine, Rey, she was stretching her arm out to return Luke Skywalker's lightsaber to him, having no clue what to do past that. Everyone watching from the comfort of their movie theaters all had one question on their minds: Is she meeting her father for the first time? After all, Rey's parentage is never disclosed during the film, as she herself has no idea whom she is waiting for on her home planet of Jakku. The Force is obviously strong with her, as shown throughout the events of the film, and she is able to wield Luke's lightsaber to defeat Kylo Ren in a duel with, as far as we know, zero Jedi training.

For these reasons, she could absolutely be Luke's daughter. The other big theory is that she could be the sister (or even twin sister) of Kylo Ren. Given Rey's rough beginnings on a desert planet and her story trajectory that's uncannily similar to Luke's in Star Wars: A New Hope, as well as her obvious connection to the Force and the ease at which she takes Han's place (I'm still sobbing) next to Chewie on the Millennium Falcon at the end of the movie, we viewers are encouraged along both of these paths in the films.

But director/co-writer J.J. Abrams – one of the masterminds behind LOST, lest we forget – may not let us off that easily. According to Reddit user nyteryder79 (and me, who called it as soon as I left the theater and I'm totally taking credit, SORRY), Rey is neither a Solo-Organa nor a Skywalker. She is a Kenobi.

Dun dun DUNNNN. At first, I know there are lots of arguments against it. "But the Jedi code!" "But she was given Luke's lightsaber!" "But Daisy Ridley looks nothing like Ewan McGregor or Sir Alec Guinness!"

But stay with me. There is so much evidence to support this theory, outlined so graciously by nyteryder79, that it isn't even funny. Here are the biggies.

The Jedi Order is over, meaning its vows are kind of null and void

Yes, Obi-Wan was extremely loyal to the Jedi Order/would've been a Hufflepuff in the Harry Potter world, and this includes its vows of celibacy. But as nyteryder79 notes, the Jedi Order kind of dissolved at the end of Revenge of the Sith, meaning Obi-Wan didn't really have anything to vow to anymore. It's a huge possibility that he could've found love and fathered one or more children he either never knew about or chose not to disclose to our original heroes, who could then have gone on to have Rey.

Obi-Wan has a past with that lightsaber, too

Yes, Rey feels called to by Luke's lightsaber and can wield it skillfully, especially considering her lack of training (though to be fair, Finn is able to do this fairly well too). But let's not forget that Obi-Wan Kenobi was also in possession of that lightsaber, which was originally Anakin Skywalker's, for at least 18 years before he delivered it to Luke. The Skywalker lightsaber was also based heavily on the design of Obi-Wan's own lightsaber, so the connection is definitely significant here.

Obi-Wan speaks to her during her lightsaber-fueled vision

James Arnold Taylor, who has voice Obi-Wan Kenobi in multiple Star Wars animated projects, confirmed on Twitter three days ago that Ewan McGregor (aka Obi-Wan in episodes I-III) was the voice who called out to Rey in the hallucination she experiences after touching Luke's lightsaber for the first time.

Why would he be the one speaking to her in a vision if Rey has never met him or has no connection to him whatsoever? This is really subtle – and simultaneously really huge.

Her mannerisms, personality, upbringing, and fighting style all parallel Obi-Wan's

A few of nyteryder79's observations, such as Rey's patience and intelligence, are fairly broad speculation. But it can't be ignored that, like Obi-Wan, Rey has survived on a desert planet in a fairly solitary environment with no known family. She also fights just like Obi-Wan; as nyteryder79 points out, she battles defensively and "moves her lightsaber just like Obi-Wan did with it extended out straight in front of her and moving it in a circular pattern." Rey's behaviors aboard the Starkiller Base – scaling walls, sneaking around – also parallel those of Obi-Wan aboard the base's predecessor, the Death Star.

Her accent matches Obi-Wan's

The fact that Daisy Ridley was allowed to keep her British accent while portraying Rey might seem like a slight detail at first. But it begs the question: Would John Boyega, who is also British, have been asked to use an American accent for Finn if there wasn't a significant reason? After all, the Star Wars universe is far, far away from places where accent differences matter. This detail is definitely worth considering important, as Obi-Wan Kenobi is pretty much the only character in main canon with a British accent that comes to mind. Unless you count C-3PO, which I almost always do, but not in this case.

Of course, there's also the possibility that Rey could be Obi-Wan's granddaughter and Luke's daughter, if Obi-Wan fathered a daughter whom Luke had Rey with. This genetic lottery win could explain why Rey is able to channel the powers of the Force so easily compared to others we've seen in the past, alongside her potential ingrained Padawan training (she was dropped off on Jakku as a young child, after all, and may not remember beginning to be trained) and the survival instincts she had time to build on Jakku.

Whatever Rey's background, I think it's safe to say that May 26, 2017 cannot get here fast enough.

I love all these theories. :lol:
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


I read that theory over a week ago, now I had not even thought about the possibility of a double whammy, "the possibility that Rey could be Obi-Wan's granddaughter and Luke's daughter". Now that would be awesome.
Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Quote from: lustindarkness on January 05, 2016, 10:12:57 AM
I read that theory over a week ago, now I had not even thought about the possibility of a double whammy, "the possibility that Rey could be Obi-Wan’s granddaughter and Luke’s daughter". Now that would be awesome.

Maybe she is the daughter of Luke AND Kenobi! They spent a lot of time together on the Falcon, and the ways of the Force are mysterious...
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


Someone suggested that she's a female clone of Luke Skywalker.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

Grey Fox

Colonel Caliga is Awesome.