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Started by Syt, July 30, 2015, 10:12:50 AM

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Quote from: garbon on May 26, 2016, 05:41:47 AM
Quote from: celedhring on May 26, 2016, 05:37:33 AM
Quote from: garbon on May 26, 2016, 05:29:01 AM
Well if the AI was right, I kinda like that some empires can attack from ways you wouldn't expect. Would break up the complacency that could come from always knowing what direction they'll attack from.

It makes wars dull though. I just wait until their fleet pops up somewhere, mass up my ships there, whack the mole. With hyperlanes at least there's a point to devising a defensive network.

I don't see why that would be so. You could just as easily mass and park your ships up where they are going to be able to enter. Building defenses shouldn't become more necessary, I would think less so.  When you don't know where enemy ships might come from, you need to defense to buy time until your fleet can make it over to wherever the enemy has appeared. With only hyperlanes, just keep your fleets parked at choke points.

Yeah, but at least there's a strategic and tactical mindset to it. When I take planets in a war, they will be more or less defensible, building stations in them has more of a point, etc... With FFA hyperdrives my sole focus is having a bigger fleet. There's no point in worrying about anything else, like building stations; it's actually a waste of resources that get in the way of just having the bigger fleet.

One of my biggest gripes of the game is how little tactical thought there's to wars.


Other than my initial game, I've only been playing with hyperlanes. I would like to try a game with only warp drive as well.

I agree with celery - having all movement types available in the game makes it all kind of dull. I would like to be able to create games where everyone is limited to a single movement technology, excepting some particular AI Ancient empires. That would make things kind of interesting. Or those scourge things or whatever.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


For a game I tried hyperlanes only and it seemed like a good idea but really it just made things way too easy.

In the game after it (aborted for braindead invasion AI), I was hyperlanes warring a warp empire. The assymetry was interesting, even if, yes, it was about chasing the enemy fleet. But hyperlanes only is about parking down in one place and never worrying about where the enemy is going.

crazy canuck

Quote from: celedhring on May 26, 2016, 05:25:33 AM
Following a suggestion in the Paradox boards I've started a hyperlanes-only game and I'm having a blast. Warfare and expansion become much more strategic since the map gains a sense of geography, and enemies (or yourself) can no longer warp into some random system with a doomstack. There's actual borders and paths that effect war planning and make it much more fun instead of fleet whack-a-mole.

I agree.  I started doing that as well and it makes the game more interesting


Quote from: Tamas on May 26, 2016, 07:32:35 AM
For a game I tried hyperlanes only and it seemed like a good idea but really it just made things way too easy.

In the game after it (aborted for braindead invasion AI), I was hyperlanes warring a warp empire. The assymetry was interesting, even if, yes, it was about chasing the enemy fleet. But hyperlanes only is about parking down in one place and never worrying about where the enemy is going.

Yeah. I suppose I can give it a try but that jives with what I think it would be like.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

crazy canuck

You guys must have really small holdings if you can block all entrances by "parking down in one place"


And it is pretty hard to block off a system anyway. I guess you could build overlapping defense stations...but then you expand beyond them, or around them anyway, and they are useless.

"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


They are bringing down the maintenance cost of space stations in the patch. Maybe it will be worth to use them, now.


I am sure I will play hyperlanes-only games of this in the future, and it does have advantages. But I like experimenting with the assymetry at the moment. I think the non-hyperlane movements (in this game, and for example MOO1) resemble strategic air-warfare more, and hyperlanes are more like land warfare.

Also for me a big decider would be to know how capable the AI is to exploit the different mode of travel. It didn't seem particularly capable of exploiting Hyperlane advantage, then again there were so many bugs all over the place who knows what was the reason for that.
If it becomes proven that the AI has a clearly most efficient travel method to use I'll probably play games using only that one.

Grey Fox

Uh Ho.

* Fixed a bug where Frontier Outposts in sectors would cost no influence maintenance
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Beta Patch released.

QuoteThe beta version of the 1.1.0 (Clarke) update is now available on Steam.

  • Right-click on Stellaris and choose "Properties"
  • Click on "Betas" tab
  • Select "1.1.0_beta" (if you can't see it, restart Steam)
  • Download update
  • Version should be 1.1.0

######################## VERSION 1.1.0 #######################

# Features

* Strike Craft attack behavior was changed
* It is no longer necessary to control planets to demand them in war, but controlling planets that are set as wargoals now generates more warscore
* It is now possible to set a custom ruler/heir title for your custom empires
* It is now possible to write a biography for your custom empire
* Added an Influence reward for establishing communications, or conversely being contacted
* Collection of strategic resources on planet tiles is no longer suppressed by buildings
* Added settings for AI aggressiveness in the galaxy setup screen
* "Shipwright" mandate for democractic empires has been reworked
* Added resource reward to Raid on Smugglers event
* Individualist empires will no longer generate election candidates with slaver mandates, and Individualist Pops are less likely to vote for candidates with slaver mandates
* Slaver mandate no longer possible if slavery is outlawed
* It is now possible to set difficulty in multiplayer
* Symbols of Domination is now available for everyone
* Platypus species portrait and Paradox empire flag is now available for everyone

# Balance

# Technology
* Technology costs now increase by +10% per owned planet (up from +0%) and by +1% per Pop (down from +2%)
* Unlocking Spaceport technologies now makes you more likely to get research options for new reactor techs
* Spiritualists and Materialists now get tech progress towards Frequency Tuning for researching Space Whales

# Ethics
Fanatic Individualist
* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires
* No longer have increased ethics divergence

* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires
* No longer have increased ethics divergence

Fanatic Xenophobe
* Rivalries now provide 50% more Influence

* Rivalries now provide 25% more Influence

Fanatic Xenophile
* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 100%
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 2

* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 50%
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 1

Fanatic Militarist
* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance

* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance

Fanatic Pacifist
* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 30%

* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 15%

# Components
* Strike Craft engagement range was significantly increased
* Strike Craft launch time reduced from 5 to 3 days
* Fighter movement speed increased from ~2 to 3.5
* Bomber movement speed increased from 1.5 to 3
* Chemical Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +10 to +5
* Ion Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +20 to +10
* Plasma Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +30 to +15
* Impulse Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +40 to +20

# Buildings
* Research Institute modifier to research speed reduced from +10% to +5%
* Colony Shelter modifier to ethics divergence reduced from +20% to +10%

# Government forms
Theocratic Republic
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +2 to +1

Transcendent Republic
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +4 to +2

# Traits
* Aggressive - fire rate bonus reduced from +20% to +10%
* Butcher - army damage bonus reduced from +20% to +10%
* Glory Seeker - army morale damage bonus reduced from +10% to +5%

# Modifiers
* Youthful Elite modifier effect on leader lifespan reduced from +50 to +25 years

# AI

# Misc.
* Computer-controlled Empires will start outlawing AI over time during a certain Crisis
* Increased negative opinion scaling for relative power of subjects
* AI will now colonize far away systems if COLONIZE_NON_ADJACENT define is enabled
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not use planetary edicts due to too small stockpile cap
* Empires that were previously controlled by a player (for example if said player drops in multiplayer) will now refrain from making any major changes to the country for a period of 10 years
* Fixed a bug where AI was modifying their species with bad traits, effectively giving them lots of traits
* Fixed a bug where military focused sectors would not build military stations
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not enslave any Pops

# Diplomacy
* AI will no longer accept a white peace when they are winning in warscore
* AI is now more open to trading access, migration rights and (for some personalities) research treaties
* Fixed a bug where AI would offer peace deals that gave allies' war goals to the player
* Fixed AI spamming the player with military access offers
* AI is now more aggressive against easily defeated targets

# Economy
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not disband ships even when running a heavy energy credit deficit

# Sector
* Respect Tile Resources setting will now prevent sector from building the wrong type of building for a tile regardless of special circumstances
* Improved the way sectors determine which resources the country needs when constructing buildings
* Fixed a bug where sector AI would move Pops back and forth
* Fixed budget issues that were preventing sectors from properly managing spaceports and construction ships

# Warfare
* Improved military tactics and handling of units
* Improved handling of military fleets vs. transport fleets
* AI now fights Crises
* Fixed issues where military fleets would not move
* AI should be better at trying to regain control of occupied planets
* AI should be better at trying to invade planets taken by ""AI uprisings"

# User Interface

* Diplomatic notifications and pop-ups have been improved
* End of combat UI has been improved
* Colony Ships now show which Pop it is carrying
* Localization of armor/shield penetration updated
* If a weapon has both shield penetration and a corresponding reduced damage to shields the two effects are replaced by a single line: "Ignores X% Shields"
* Habitability icons in galaxy map and systems view have been improved
* (BETA) Added a new experimental option for GUI-scaling in the options menu

# User modding

* Ported system for weights/triggers on songs from HoI4/EU4
* Fixed so that effect set_name can use localization system
* Moved Domination victory condition into defines
* Added NOR operator
* Species Appearance screen is now moddable
* Species City Appearance screen is now moddable
* Ship Appearance screen is now moddable
* Added num_energy trigger
* Reading a single on_action entry from multiple files will now append the events to the list entry rather than overwriting it. This should allow more mods to be compatible
* Prescripted countries can now set the attribute "disallow_editing = yes" to disable the edit button in the Empire selection view before game start

# Performance

* Optimized daily AI calculations
* Fixed frame rate drop when having one or more fleets selected

# Graphics
* Lighting for ship preview images has been improved
* 8 new event images added to the game
* Textures for Massive Reptilians have been improved
* Improved textures for space event assets
* Optimized textures for event assets
* Increased texture resolution for ancient drone station
* Optimized textures for pirate ships
* Updated textures for generic station
* Increased texture resolution for AI Core
* Optimized textures for AI ships
* Improved texture for Arthropoid colony ship
* Added cover art for Digital OST

# Bugfixes
* Military Station maintenance is now correctly discounted by 25% instead of increased by 75%
* Fixed negative opinion modifiers being applied to owners of planets that the Prethoryn Scourge is purging
* Extradimensional Invaders should no longer spawn inside Fallen Empire borders
* Reduced chance of generating the Improbable Orbit anomaly
* Fixed the Master's Teachings edicts "Philosophical Mindset" and "Warring States" not being applied after event project finished
* Fixed "Colonial Failure" anomaly event handing out a Colonization tech you already had
* Fixed an issue with the VO not triggering for the mining station tutorial mission
* Researched robot Pops are now always listed, but are not buildable if AI policy is set to Outlawed
* Injured Queen project is now properly cancelled and visual asset removed when another Empire researches it first
* Species Procurement event chain descriptions now correctly refer to planet names
* Various localization bugs have been fixed
* Fixed outdated Avian name list titles in Brazilian Portuguese, French, Polish and Spanish
* Fixed some faction events not printing planet names properly
* Loyalist-affiliated candidates now display proper faction names in Election view
* Fixed observation post events sometimes not printing planet name correctly
* Changed the way native reservations are placed for colony event related to colonizing planets that have primitive natives
* Fixed a bug where missiles could appear on the galaxy map
* Ring World habitability-trait now has proper localization
* Fixed a bug where Destroyer Assembly Yard didn't require the correct Spaceport level to build
* Fixed an issue where trait randomization didn't respect opposing traits
* Fallen Empires are now able to build armies
* Fixed an exploit where you could reduce the cost of resettlement by moving pops around on the same planet
* Newly enlightened countries should no longer be despicable neutrals
* Fixed right click not working to give additional orders while in FTL transit
* Fixed an issue where embassies and rivalries could remain after an empire was annexed
* Fixed an issue where you could always enable edicts
* Fixed Swarm Infestors and Constructors sometimes not reinforcing properly
* Robot Pops should no longer get shuffled ethics from divergence
* Heirs now keep the dynasty name of the ruler in monarchies
* Added missing localization strings for leaders who gained the arrested development trait
* Fixed Power Overwhelming achievement
* Fixed Domo Arigato achievement
* Fixed Elixir of Life anomaly potentially spawning multiple times if not researched
* Fixed Living Metal deposits not being minable
* Fixed Sublight Probe event chain sometimes breaking after combat with the Salvage Skippers
* Fixed being unable to change speed with (-) and (+) on American keyboard
* Fixed bugs related to Ethics Divergence. Pops should no longer drift to "neutral" ethics. Drift towards empire ethics is slower than drifting away from
* Fixed a bug where Frontier Outposts in sectors would cost no influence maintenance


Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2016, 09:59:46 AM
Uh Ho.

* Fixed a bug where Frontier Outposts in sectors would cost no influence maintenance

Darn.  :(
"Come grow old with me
The Best is yet to be
The last of life for which the first was made."

The Brain

Where's the advanced tech? I'm just getting +5% this or that now. Where's the Dyson balls and black hole jumps?
Women want me. Men want to be with me.

Grey Fox

Quote from: The Brain on May 26, 2016, 12:40:35 PM
Where's the advanced tech? I'm just getting +5% this or that now. Where's the Dyson balls and black hole jumps?

DLC content.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.



Quote"When the machines rise up to destroy us, we need to fight back. Like, pass some municipal codes against them just up and killing people, you know."
-Arthur C. Clarke (Not Really)

Strike craft pilots have been given the go-ahead to fly missions more than a few hundred meters from the carrier.
It is now possible to set a custom ruler/heir title for your custom empires, Most Exalted Asslord
You should no longer run into a problem where some dumbass developer puts in a NovaMart on top of a Betharian deposit and won't let anyone mine it
There is now an optional setting when creating a new galaxy that will encourage the AI to sometimes start wars
Individualists are now less likely to buy into the rhetoric of candidates trying to remind them how awesome slavery was back in the day

Individualists should no longer be so obsessed with being special snowflakes that they come full circle and decide to give up their very individualism
Militarist now no longer shun one of the most important military tools in all of history, the alliance
Pacifists no longer feel compelled to bring food for everyone when they go to a party. They just eat less at each meal so there will be more left for everyone else.
Thrusters have been nerfed so that corvettes will sometimes be hit in combat
Colonists on a planet with a Ship Shelter should no longer immediately decide to say "Fuck the Old World and everything it stood for!"
Theocratic Republic is no longer just a straight-up better version of Indirect Democracy


If robots rise up and start killing people, computer-controlled empires might decide to maybe outlaw them
Fixed a bug where the AI would get access to genetic modification and decide to treat the negative trait list like a Pokedex
Fixed a bug where military-focused sectors were not at all military focused
Fixed an issue where the AI would not enslave any Pops (presented word-for-word)
AI will no longer consistently refuse border access "because fuck you, that's why"
Respect Tile Resources sector setting will now actually cause sector governors to do what it says
Explained to sector governors why it's not a great idea to build 8 farms on a 10-tile, mineral-rich world populated entirely by droids when you're running an industrial mandate
Fixed a bug where the sector AI would get bored and just keep moving pops around to have something to do
Sector governors have now had spaceports explained to them in detail, and made to understand that building those is indeed part of their job
AI empires will now react and fight back when the Unbidden begin exterminating their civilization


The rest of the galaxy should no longer dislike you for being killed by the Prethoryns
Fallen Empires have reached into the depths of their past and remembered how ground combat works
Ethics divergence is now less likely to spawn a planet of mopey teenagers who don't believe in anything
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien