Facebook Follies of Friends and Families

Started by Syt, December 06, 2015, 01:55:02 PM

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Quote from: Norgy on Today at 03:19:18 AMSo did ours, if you had the money. They were extremely expensive. You could, however, cut your budget on floppy disks by using them on both sides with a bit of rather available equipment, such as one of those things used to make holes for easy filing of paper. I have absolutely no idea what they are called in English, but I was rather skilled at using them.

A hole punch :)

I had the C64 - with thr cassette deck. Eventually I did save up for a floppy drive, but in practical terms it made little difference.


I still remember the sound of the turbo-tape loading.

Baron von Schtinkenbutt

Quote from: Jacob on Today at 09:49:42 AMI still remember the sound of the turbo-tape loading.

I think that sound is part of the opening credits for GTA III: Vice City.


Quote from: Duque de Bragança on Today at 06:06:14 AM
Quote from: Norgy on Today at 04:10:34 AMI dunno, the exclusives for Xbox and Playstation are pretty much the Amiga vs the Atari ST being played out again.

Pretty tame compared to the Megadrive/Genesis vs Super Nintendo wars back then.  :P Now C64 vs Spectrum that was another thing.  :D

The Sinclair Spectrum had 48k memory, and monochrome graphics. It was never sold in Norway, but the BBC computer was. And the C64.
We also made computers in Norway at that time, but they were not microcomputers, and that is how Norsk Data met its demise. They did invent the HTML, though.


Quote from: Jacob on Today at 09:49:42 AMI still remember the sound of the turbo-tape loading.

A sound of excitement in waiting.