First Week of June Languish London Meet MEGATHREAD

Started by lustindarkness, April 01, 2015, 10:09:11 AM

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I can join you after work on the Thursday or Friday - I finish at 5pm. Are you around at the weekend too? BTW, Stonehenge isn't massively convenient from London CF, but you might be able to arrange a day coach trip if it's on your must-see list.


 :hug:Hi Brazen, ok so we are trying to get together that Thursday afternoon, so you are more than welcome to join us. I don't know where we will be heading for dinner, I guess we will go with RH recommendations. Lusti and I are leaving on Saturday morning, so no weekend for us. We will be there on June 2(Tuesday). We are planning to go to the Tower of London and London eye when we get there and then we might hit some museums. I was thinking that Friday we should go do the tourist thing around the city, guided by RH and whomever wants to join us. Hope to see you!


Yes, phones will work.

I don't think CF will want to spend a day to go see old ships, she would not understand or appreciate the difference between the Cutty Sark and the Victory, and I'm OK with that. I want to maximise my time with Languish friends also (some qualify as history also :lol:).

Shakespeare? Hmm, not sure, prefer more museum time compared to that.

Stonehenge? Well if we combine it with a trip to the HMS Victory that may make it worth a day trip! and we can ignore my above comments. :D
Grand Duke of Lurkdom

Richard Hakluyt

I'd say that the best thing to do is to stay in London, there is more than enough to see and do in the limited time. Stonehenge works best as the start of a west country driving tour............maybe some other year  :cool:

Most of the London crew are working Thursday of course, so we need to set a time and place to get together ............ inevitably that will involve a pub  :cheers:


Well, looking at google maps, a lot close by, perfect death march city with many pubs to fuel up. :beer:

Example, from the Strand Palace to Buckingham Palace, to London Eye, to the HMS Belfast, to the Tower of London is only 5.1 miles. If the boat ride to the Cutty Sark area is close by... Yeah, I could walk those legs off you CF :P I'll get off google maps now, and let RH plan the death marches :D
Grand Duke of Lurkdom

alfred russel

Quote from: lustindarkness on May 11, 2015, 09:58:23 AM

Shakespeare? Hmm, not sure, prefer more museum time compared to that.

But Shakespeare in the Globe?
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

There's a fine line between salvation and drinking poison in the jungle.

I'm embarrassed. I've been making the mistake of associating with you. It won't happen again. :)
-garbon, February 23, 2014


Might be best to do Cutty Sark earlier in the day and end up somewhere more central. Went to this place for a press do recently which would carry on the naval theme nicely:


Is Puerto Rican rum any good, Lusti? More importantly, is it cheap and could you bring me some :P

Richard Hakluyt

"..............fifteen men on a dead man's chest, "  :pirate

Which, when I was a kid, I assumed was why the poor fellow died  :(

Anyway, shall we set a time and pub for the Thursday evening gathering? About 6pm so folk can finish work might be best, but where?


I posted this on FB:
QuoteThe regular "I'm a Londoner who doesn't know London" question. What's a good central London pub in which to gather a group of overseas visitors? Needs to be easy to get to and home from, have a high quaint quotient, good beer (including real ale) and the possibility of gathering 10 people round a table and actually getting served on a Thursday night.

And have food or be near somewhere that serves food.

Thursday night is the biggest drinking night in London as everyone from out of town goes home on Friday night, so anywhere popular will be rammed until about 8 then go mysteriously quiet.


Thursday is perfect.  :cool: I should be able to get off work a bit earlier to catch you guys, as I am roughly 40 minutes from the central London stations.


"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: Brazen on May 14, 2015, 06:12:22 AM
Is Puerto Rican rum any good, Lusti? More importantly, is it cheap and could you bring me some :P

Yes, Yes but not easily found or cheap in Alabama. :( Don Q is the awesome (Bacardi sucks just has better promotion machine). If anything we'll order you some, no way I will carry rum from the US, to Rome and Paris and it makes it to London. :lol:
Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Pub suggestions so far are:

The George, Southwark (London Bridge)
The Portherhouse, Covent Garden
The Anchor, Bankside (London Bridge)
The Ship, Holborn
The Swan, Holborn
Cittie Of Yorke, Holborn

Might be worth booking a table in advance so at least we all have somewhere to assemble (Languishites, Assemble!)


Wait, we have to go to ALL of those in a night?
Grand Duke of Lurkdom