Saskatchewan thought about leaving Canada if Quebec voted for independence in 95

Started by jimmy olsen, August 24, 2014, 07:40:07 PM

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jimmy olsen

The American dream of Canadian conquest was so close! :cry:

Saskatchewan considered separation, Roy Romanow reveals
Joining U.S. another option secret committee explored in 1995 before Quebec referendum

CBC News Posted: Aug 22, 2014 1:14 PM CT Last Updated: Aug 23, 2014 2:15 PM CT

While the sovereignty referendum campaign was gearing up in Quebec in 1995, a team of Saskatchewan officials headed by Premier Roy Romanow considered the possibility that the Prairie province might leave Canada in the event of a Yes win.

The tantalizing footnote to Saskatchewan history is contained in a new book by Toronto Star columnist (and CBC At Issue panelist) Chantal Hébert that's being released Sept. 2. CBC and other media have received advance copies of the book.

In The Morning After: The Quebec Referendum and the Day that Almost Was, it's revealed that Romanow set up a special committee to assess options for Saskatchewan if Quebec were to separate.

The committee's work was filed under the "boring" title of Constitutional Contingencies — "a choice,"  the authors write, "intended to discourage curiosity — and was funded "off the books, outside the provincial Treasury Board process, to ensure its secrecy."

It stayed secret until this week, when Maclean's magazine published a review of the book.

Ultimately, the No side won a narrow victory in the referendum.

Romanow said he instructed the secret task force in fall 1994 to explore every scenario, including an option for Saskatchewan to separate from the rest of Canada.

Also on the table was the possibility that the province would form an alliance with Alberta and British Columbia to leave the country.

A third possibility looked at whether Saskatchewan might be annexed to the United States. The committee also examined the possibility of Saskatchewan adopting the U.S. dollar.

"In the eventuality of a Yes vote, clearly you need to examine all your options," Romanow says in the book.

Details about the Saskatchewan committee were revealed to Hébert by Romanow about 18 months ago. Before the interview with Hébert, he had never spoken publicly about the committee's work.
None of the federal parties had plan for Yes win

The book contains a number of other surprises on the period surrounding the 1995 referendum.

Hébert's book focuses primarily on the impact that a Yes victory could have had. It also concludes that no party in Canada of any political stripe had a coherent plan to manage the possible independence of Quebec.

Hébert, with the assistance of former Liberal and Bloc Québécois MP Jean Lapierre, interviewed close to 20 key figures from the referendum period, including ex-Quebec premier Jacques Parizeau, former prime minister Jean Chrétien and Preston Manning, who led the now defunct Reform Party.

The authors also spoke to NDP Leader Tom Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau about their impressions of the referendum.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper declined to be interviewed for the book.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


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I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

Darth Wagtaros

Canada would have breathed a happy sigh of relief to be rid of two obnoxious regions.


If it had been that a separating Quebec would have cut off Saskatchewan, I could understand such a move...but in ourgeographic reality, it just seems silly.  Canada would have got on just fine with an independent Quebec.

alfred russel

I would have suggested that we accept the deal to take Saskatchewan, and then take the Albertan oil fields instead claiming we thought that was Saskatchewan.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

There's a fine line between salvation and drinking poison in the jungle.

I'm embarrassed. I've been making the mistake of associating with you. It won't happen again. :)
-garbon, February 23, 2014


Quote from: alfred russel on August 24, 2014, 09:04:05 PM
I would have suggested that we accept the deal to take Saskatchewan, and then take the Albertan oil fields instead claiming we thought that was Saskatchewan.

Putin you aint.
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Eddie Teach

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


It shows a deeper problem with Canada if other provinces were thinking of leaving just because Quebec parted ways.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


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jimmy olsen

Seems like most politicians had no real plans on how to deal with a Yes vote

The 1995 referendum: What would have come after a Yes

Paul Wells on Chantal Hébert's important new book

August 21, 2014
A team of Saskatchewan officials worked quietly to develop contingency plans in the event of a Yes vote in the 1995 Quebec referendum — options that included Saskatchewan following Quebec out of Canada, a new book reveals.

Roy Romanow, the premier of Saskatchewan at the time, never told his full cabinet about the secret committee's work, Romanow told Chantal Hébert, author of The Morning After: The Quebec Referendum and the Day that Almost Was, to be published by Knopf Canada on Sept. 2. Maclean's has obtained a copy of the book.

"Filed under the boring title of Constitutional Contingencies — a choice intended to discourage curiosity — [the Saskatchewan committee's] work was funded off the books, outside the provincial Treasury Board process, the better to ensure its secrecy," Hébert writes.

The committee considered a lot of possibilities for the chaotic period Romanow anticipated after a Yes vote — including Saskatchewan seceding from Canada; a Western union of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia; abandoning the Canadian dollar to use the U.S. greenback; and even annexation of Saskatchewan, and perhaps other provinces, to the United States. "In the eventuality of a Yes vote, clearly you need to examine all your options," Romanow says in the book.

The revelation that Romanow had set a contingency committee to work is one of several surprises in the book by Hébert, a columnist for the Toronto Star and Le Devoir L'actualité [you'd think I'd get that right on the first try - pw] and one of the country's most prominent political commentators. She wrote The Morning After with assistance from Jean Lapierre, a former Liberal and Bloc Québécois MP and a leading Quebec pundit. The premise of the book is simple: they interviewed nearly 20 key or peripheral players in the 1995 referendum, from Jacques Parizeau to Jean Chrétien to Preston Manning and Frank McKenna, and asked them what they would have done if the Yes side had been declared the winner of the referendum. The resulting slim volume is the most complete account yet of the secret strategizing on both sides of that historic battle.

What the authors found was chaos. Neither the separatist Yes camp nor the federalist No coalition had any coherent plan for how to deal with a Yes, and at the highest echelons on both sides, leaders were working at cross purposes. Disarray in both the Yes and No camps would only have gotten worse after a numerical Yes victory.

This disarray is clearest in the Yes camp, whose leaders were Jacques Parizeau, the Parti Québécois premier who led the referendum effort; Lucien Bouchard, the Bloc Québécois leader who was promoted, partway through the campaign, as "chief negotiator" for a seceding Quebec and de facto lead campaigner, demoting Parizeau; and Mario Dumont, the short-lived Action Démocratique party's only member in the National Assembly.

Parizeau was dead set on using the slimmest of Yes margins to take Quebec out of Canada. The other two partners spent the weeks before the referendum trying to figure out how to stop him.

Dumont tells Hébert and Lapierre that he and Bouchard "had had conversations about the fact that it could become necessary to stop Parizeau if he [tried to] simply break up from Canada on the basis of a 50-percent-plus-1 mandate and a unilateral declaration of independence."

It's not obvious what they could have done to stop him. Bouchard and Dumont had both signed an agreement on June 12, 1995 — an agreement mentioned in the referendum question — that explicitly gave Parizeau the right to declare sovereignty if he decided Quebec-Canada negotiations were stalemated.

And, Parizeau tells Hébert, he had plans to ensure the negotiations went the way he wanted, not the way the equivocating Bouchard hoped. Bouchard had a title — "chief negotiator" — but no mandate, either verbal or in writing, and on Oct. 30, 1995, the day of the referendum, he couldn't even get Parizeau to return his calls. Parizeau, meanwhile, retained the right to appoint the entire rest of Quebec's negotiating delegation. "It would have essentially been people whom I trusted completely," he says. "I knew exactly which of them would be a good fit for the job." Officials with a mandate to fly to foreign capitals to spread Parizeau's version of events "already had their plane tickets" even as Quebecers were voting, Parizeau said.

Against Parizeau's advantages — the title of premier, the letter of the law and an army of civil servants — Bouchard and Dumont had the hope that popular sentiment and personal connections would somehow break their way. "I wonder what the international community would have made of the news that two of the three leaders of the Yes camp did not interpret the result in the same way as Parizeau," Dumont says. In one of several cases of apparently deep-seated wishful thinking among Hébert's and Lapierre's interview subjects, Dumont imagines a Yes victory would have led to a quick Quebec election that would have served his own party's purposes nicely. "I would have won 10 seats instead of just my own."

Bouchard, as befits a chief negotiator with no mandate, no committee and nobody answering at the premier's office, was left alone with his prodigious imagination. He tells Hébert and Lapierre he expected a Yes victory would lead to a second referendum at the insistence of Jean Chrétien's federal government, and that he would have urged Parizeau to hold such a vote. He thinks a Yes would have led, not to secession but to "a deal" that would "certainly be better than what we have now." He hoped the premiers of other provinces would be at the table because "I was friends with the premiers, really friends with all of them."

The No side, meanwhile, was a comparable chorus of mutual incomprehension. Preston Manning, who as Reform Party leader had the third-largest caucus in the House of Commons in 1995, tells Hébert that if the Yes side had won a majority, "I expected [Jean Chrétien] to resign on that night or shortly thereafter." If Chrétien had insisted he was still the prime minister, "You would have had Western members leave Parliament and not come back because it would have been considered illegitimate."

In challenging Chrétien's legitimacy as prime minister, Manning could perhaps have counted on a surprising ally: Brian Tobin, the Newfoundlander who was Chrétien's fisheries minister. "You're only the boss if you can say to the Governor General that I have at my back the majority of the House," Tobin says in the book. "The notion that there would be a bunch of Quebecers negotiating with a bunch of Quebecers is false. It would never happen."

Were Tobin and other Liberals planning to remove Chrétien as leader of a continuing Liberal government? Well, no. In fact it is hardly clear from the book what Tobin was thinking, if anything. "I don't think he would have offered to quit or to leave and I don't think caucus would have asked him to," he tells Hébert, "but I think the caucus and the cabinet would very much have wanted to be engaged in what the strategy was on a go-forward basis."

The last interview in the book is with Jean Chrétien, and like Parizeau he comes off as a man who had thought options through while others, including some on his own side, were relying on guesses. "I had a number of cards that I ended up not having to play," he tells Hébert, but she has learned of a few. Frank McKenna, then the premier of New Brunswick, reveals that Chrétien had called him several days before the vote to ask if he would quit that job to serve in a "cabinet of national unity" after a Yes vote. McKenna told Chrétien he would.

This is significant to Hébert, who refrains from analysis for much of the book, letting her subjects tell their own story. But in the Chrétien chapter she points out that he was weighing possibilities and options for a Yes scenario in private with close associates, even in the early stages of a campaign when the No was far ahead in polls.

Manning planned to challenge Chrétien's legitimacy, but Chrétien had done the math: the Liberals had three times as many seats outside Quebec as Reform did. As for Reform boycotting Parliament, "If the Reform had left the House, I would have had an easier time," Chrétien says.

A reader leaves Hébert's and Lapierre's book with the overwhelming impression that with few exceptions — Parizeau, Manning, Chrétien, Romanow — politicians of every stripe managed to bring less thoughtfulness to a campaign over Canada's fate than they do to many more mundane questions. It is a mug's game to guess who would have won, in the inevitable confrontations between Parizeau and Bouchard, Chrétien and Manning. It's not clear that anyone would have.
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It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


That's like Cornwall threatening to leave of Scotland votes "yes" on the referendum.


Sorry, but even by the standards of Canadian threads*, this is a pretty boring one.

*the recurring 50 page politics especially.  :P
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Now the "Saskatchewan might have left too" is a complete red herring.  Saskatchewan did a report saying "everything's on the table" - big deal.  They never identified that as being preferable or likely.

What's more interesting is buried in the story - that Parizeau was going to barrel through to a quick UDI (though I think we knew that), and that Dumont and Bouchard were in disagreement with that.  Also interesting was Chretien's talk of forming a "national unity government", though inviting a fellow Liberal premier into cabinet doesn't sound like very much "national unity".
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.