Birmingham probes Muslim takeover of schools 'plot'

Started by garbon, April 14, 2014, 04:40:33 PM

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Darth Wagtaros



Quote from: mongers on January 11, 2015, 07:15:39 PM
That's beyond stupid, it's contemptible, he must have know what he said was a pack of lies, but choose to say it because thought he could manipulate fox news into taking the debate/putting out that message.
i don't think so. His apology seems very sincere and I think it's a very popular idea on the right - see 'America Alone' and 'Reflections on the Revolution in Europe'. The Economist's Washington correspondent is incidentally from Birmingham, but he said he's been amazed how many times he's been asked, mainly by Republicans, about the Islamification of Britain.
Let's bomb Russia!


There was some islamoscare thing going around a few years back that said by 2012 the Kingdom of the Netherlands would be majority Muslim.  And last I checked the Islamic Republic of Nederstan still has a few Dutch people left.

Back in 2003 people were telling me France was about 1/3rd Muslim or something.

I don't know where this stuff comes from.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

Eddie Teach

QuoteReligion in the Netherlands was predominantly Christian until late into the 20th century. Although religious diversity remains, there has been a decline of religious adherence. The Netherlands is one of the most secular countries in Western Europe, with only 39% being religiously affiliated (31% for those aged under 35), and fewer than 5.6% visiting church regularly (meaning once or more per month) in 2010. Religion is in the Netherlands generally considered a personal matter which is not supposed to be propagated in public.[1]

In 2010 the Dutch population was made up of 16,615,000 people. Among these 24.6% (4.1 million) were Roman Catholics, 14.8% (2.5 million) were Protestants (of these 2.25 million or 13.5% were Reformed and Lutherans, 230,000 or 1.3% were other Protestants), 0.7% (130,000) were other Christians, Orthodox, Jehovah's Witnesses and others, 5.8% (907,000) were Muslims, 1.0% (170,000) were Buddhists, 0.9% (150,000) were Hindus. 8,014,000 people or 51.3% of the population were mostly non religious, and 1.2% were followers of other religions. Also Ietsism, Agnosticism and Christian atheism are on the rise; the first two being generally accepted and the last being more or less considered to be non-controversial.[2]

I kinda think their attitude toward speed skating approaches religious reverence though.  :hmm:
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


I found think link in an article about Italian paranoia on Al Jazeera:

QuoteA study by UK-based pollster Ipsos Mori found the average Italian believes that foreigners represent 30 percent of the total population, and that 20 percent of those are Muslim - whereas in fact just four percent are.

Quote from: The GuardianToday's key fact: you are probably wrong about almost everything

Britons overstate the proportion of Muslims in their country by a factor of four, according to a new survey by Ipsos Mori that reveals public understanding of the numbers behind the daily news in 14 countries.

People from the UK also think immigrants make up twice the proportion of the population as is really the case – and that many more people are unemployed than actually are.

Such misconceptions are typical around the world, but they can have a significant impact as politicians aim to focus on voter perceptions, not on the actual data.

Bobby Duffy, managing director of the Ipsos Mori social research institute, said: "These misperceptions present clear issues for informed public debate and policymaking. For example, public priorities may well be different if we had a clearer view of the scale of immigration and the real incidence of teenage mothers."

The actual percentage of Muslims in the UK is 5%, but those surveyed by Ipsos Mori said they thought it was 21%.


Quote from: Valmy on January 12, 2015, 11:37:22 PM
I don't know where this stuff comes from.
Well in fairness it's not that far from what our papers report. Maybe they just read the Express.
Let's bomb Russia!

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 13, 2015, 12:15:01 AM
I found think link in an article about Italian paranoia on Al Jazeera:

QuoteA study by UK-based pollster Ipsos Mori found the average Italian believes that foreigners represent 30 percent of the total population, and that 20 percent of those are Muslim - whereas in fact just four percent are.

Quote from: The GuardianToday's key fact: you are probably wrong about almost everything

Britons overstate the proportion of Muslims in their country by a factor of four, according to a new survey by Ipsos Mori that reveals public understanding of the numbers behind the daily news in 14 countries.

People from the UK also think immigrants make up twice the proportion of the population as is really the case – and that many more people are unemployed than actually are.

Such misconceptions are typical around the world, but they can have a significant impact as politicians aim to focus on voter perceptions, not on the actual data.

Bobby Duffy, managing director of the Ipsos Mori social research institute, said: "These misperceptions present clear issues for informed public debate and policymaking. For example, public priorities may well be different if we had a clearer view of the scale of immigration and the real incidence of teenage mothers."

The actual percentage of Muslims in the UK is 5%, but those surveyed by Ipsos Mori said they thought it was 21%.

Isn't this the same as the iconographic from last week published by the Economist? I think Syt reposted that in the Islamophobia thread.

Good to see the Guarniad steal other people's material. :P

Edit: and :D at Americans. Maybe people assume that black = muslim, as 15% is close to the estimate of the black populace in the US. :D

Also, Canada is overshooting quite a bit as well. Maybe they polled grallon? :P


Not sure you're in a position to laugh given that Poles think there's 12 times as many Muslims in their country :P

The research is from Mori. The Guardian did pretty graphics first.
Let's bomb Russia!

Richard Hakluyt

I assume that the question asked was not really "Out of 100 people how many do you think are Muslim", because, if it was, then 21 is pretty close to the actual figure  :hmm:

Probably just the Guardian not labelling the graphic properly.

Richard Hakluyt

I checked at mori, the question asked was :

"Perils of Perception Questionnaire
Out of every 100 people in [Country] , about how many do you think:
1. Are Christian
2. Are Muslim
3. Are over 65 years old"


Quote from: Sheilbh on January 13, 2015, 02:20:33 AM
Not sure you're in a position to laugh given that Poles think there's 12 times as many Muslims in their country :P

The research is from Mori. The Guardian did pretty graphics first.

Well, Americans think it's 15 times more. :P

And of course, the difference is more staggering in absolute numbers.


Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on January 13, 2015, 03:16:34 AM
I assume that the question asked was not really "Out of 100 people how many do you think are Muslim", because, if it was, then 21 is pretty close to the actual figure  :hmm:

No, it's 5* (this was a national poll, not just B'ham)

*as at 2011 census


Quote from: Gups on January 13, 2015, 03:27:02 AM
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on January 13, 2015, 03:16:34 AM
I assume that the question asked was not really "Out of 100 people how many do you think are Muslim", because, if it was, then 21 is pretty close to the actual figure  :hmm:

No, it's 5* (this was a national poll, not just B'ham)

*as at 2011 census

I think Tricky Dick meant that globally around 20% of people are muslim - and the question as reported by the Guarniad makes no reference to a specific country or area, just "people".

Richard Hakluyt

Yes, that is what I meant.

You can get some amazing results from opinion polls from fiddling with the structure of the question, it is something to watch out for. In this case the question asked by mori was reasonably good, but the Guardian failed to report it properly.