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Started by PRC, February 24, 2014, 12:49:57 PM

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I've played a few games, get to around 400 pop before I go through massive starvation die offs. Close the schools to replenish my farmers so after a season or two I'm left with uneducated workers. Also, when someone's dies you lose their tools and clothing. Run out of tools so lose even more effeciency. Freezing farmers won't harvest, no food and it all starts again. Oh well, I have fun to that point.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


It needs more stuff. I'd love to be able to build canals, maybe some Salzburg-style water channels through the streets and manufactories that run on water wheels on them, stuff like that.

I'd also like to raise an army and go punish the people who banished us in the first place, but that's not the idea here. :P

Maybe some castle pieces I can fit together my own way. Oh, and some varying building styles like SimCity had, like medieval wattle and daub, Amsterdam colorful, Arabesque, etc. That would give the town a theme.

Oh and it needs brothels.  :)
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


I know its limited, I know its going nowhere, but I can't stop playing...


I keep playing too. Game is limited, could use more structures and the food requirements are too high IMO. Need to devote a lot of space and workers to farms, herding, fishing, hunting and gathering. As I expand farms, homes and other stuff I move other places out further, like foresters, gatherers, herbalists. Gatherers can add a lot to a colony food supply, and fishing does ok, but farms are the main food source and require a lot of space. I like to build extra farms to anticipate increases in need, and can have them working or not, depending on need. 

crazy canuck

I dont use farms.  Fishing, hunting and gathering provide me with good food production.  I send my would be farmers to the mines instead.  I am pre Thatcher Britain.


Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2014, 01:38:32 PM
I dont use farms.  Fishing, hunting and gathering provide me with good food production.  I send my would be farmers to the mines instead.  I am pre Thatcher Britain.
Interesting. I'll have to try with more fishing, hunting and gatherers.


I think the consensus is that gatherers have a greater return from the investment than any other building. I usually build two gatherers' huts before any other food-producing building.

The good thing about gatherers is that with a fishing dock or an animal pen, they provide variety, making your small banishers have more tiny banishers. I am not 100 % sure that is the case, but so far three test runs point to that conclusion.

Banished is a bit like Dwarf Fortress. Frustratingly entertaining.
The artist formerly known as Norgy

crazy canuck

I build a gathering hut first for the reasons you said, then a fishing hut.  After that I build the hunting lodge.  Rinse and repeat.

Building a second gathering hut right away is imo less efficient because those workers need to walk a long way to get the food to the others.  Better to wait until you have some houses/industry built in the new area to cut down on the walking time.


Still trying to figure out the best placing of buildings. I built a nice little town centre, then a tornado wiped it out, people froze to death or died from starvation. Back to square one.
One family survived, and both adults were over 50 and the young ones were both males.

The artist formerly known as Norgy


Do visible deer on the map actually matter? Berries? Their placements seem pretty random.


Quote from: Tyr on March 10, 2014, 08:43:44 PM
Do visible deer on the map actually matter? Berries? Their placements seem pretty random.
not as far as I can tell. Thicker forests seem to net more deer, so that's another plus with grouping forestry and hunter (plus gatherers). Herbalist are supposed to work better in old growth, but I never noticed it. Plus once you get a variety if food you don't need the herbalist anymore anyway (if you ever did)
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: Tyr on March 10, 2014, 08:43:44 PM
Do visible deer on the map actually matter? Berries? Their placements seem pretty random.

Still trying to figure that out. But you do need a forest for deer.

Banished is the least helpful game since Dwarf Fortress. I do love the names there, though. There was one guy called Demon. He lived alone in his stone house despite overcrowding all his life, the poor sod. Then a stone rolled over him and he died. Poor Demon.
The artist formerly known as Norgy


I also clump hunters, herbalists and gatherers together,away from foresters. Does anyone know or have found out if putting a couple or more gatherers together affects their production very much? That would be helpful to get more food out of an area before expanding out to other more distant areas.

crazy canuck

I put the forester in with the rest.  I know people say certain things benefit from old growth but I am not sure the difference in efficiency - whatever that might be - makes up for the fact you have to segregate a whole zone of forest just for the forester to do his work.


Quote from: crazy canuck on March 11, 2014, 11:16:33 AM
I put the forester in with the rest.  I know people say certain things benefit from old growth but I am not sure the difference in efficiency - whatever that might be - makes up for the fact you have to segregate a whole zone of forest just for the forester to do his work.

I read that about "old forests" as well, but I've yet to see any numerical advantage/disadvantage of new vs old.
But it would seem likely that Banished has some obscure algorithm about such things hidden way down.

Now a tornado just fucked up 14 years of development.
Bye, bye, savegame.
The artist formerly known as Norgy