We MPs are fungi, in the dark, covered in manure

Started by Sheilbh, June 04, 2009, 01:22:18 PM

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Quote from: Sheilbh on June 05, 2009, 06:23:37 PM
Kenin's always sounded like this.
Yeah?  How does he get anyone to take him seriously?
QuoteLord Adonis is actually rather highly rated but it's still pathetic that to fill his Cabinet Brown has to use so many Lords.  This is the least democratic cabinet since the war and while I don't mind a Lord or two in the cabinet this is getting ridiculous.
I find the existance of Labour peers to be offensive.  Then again, the cabinets of old that were full of peers were a million times more talented than the current batch.
QuoteIt's also offensive to anyone's intelligence when Harriet Harman calls Glennys Kinnock a fresh face.  She's been in the European Parliament for a decade and a half.  Before that she was the wife of the former Labour leader, and then European Commissioner, Neil Kinnock who led the party for around 10 years from 1983-4.  The idea that someone who's been a fixture at the very top of Labour party politics since Gordon Brown first became an MP is, in any way, a 'fresh face' is just ridiculous.
It's shocking that a Kinnock could get a job with a respectable party at all, given Neil's reprehensible politics.  I guess if the Mosleys can work, the Kinnocks can as well.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.