Sono inglesi. Dove il la pizza? (aka. Tyr goes to Italy)

Started by Josquius, June 16, 2013, 09:43:59 PM

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Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.

The Larch

Quote from: Barrister on August 22, 2013, 03:40:11 PMI wasn't super keen on St. Peter's.

It was really, really big, and had a lot of marble.  Almost too much marble.  Seemed somewhat gauche, and rather impersonal.  I was much more moved by some of the other cathedrals I saw in Italy (San Marco in Venice, for example).

Not really defending Jos though, as he went "Meh" to most sights he saw, which definitely wasn't my experience.

St. Peter's is a Baroque orgasm, it's meant to overwhelm your senses, if you're not too keen on the style then it's logical that you're not going to appreciate it much. Personally, I found it almost mystical, and I'm not a religious person.


Bare in mind I had problems on my trip unrelated to the place itself. Major trouble with blisters, big stress over the future, etc...
Plus note my negative posts came mainly in one night during which I was really in pain and had generally had a crappy day.
But I guess the problem is that my expectations were so high. Everyone speaks of Rome and Florence as some of the best places in the world and I've wanted to visit for years. I got there and...they obviously weren't all they had been made out to be. I guess I got a spell of Paris Syndrome (only obviously not about Paris).
Also where my views differ from other people could be in that I'm not really an art fan. Most paintings do nothing for me (though I did see some that I liked. I like 'busy' paintings. Crowd scenes.). I'm more into architecture and practical parts of history.

St Petes....its too smooth and pristine. It looks machine made. I like my cathedrals gothic. Inside there was just something about the way all the chapels were disconnected seperate pieces and not part of a greater whole that detracted from it.
Plus of course it being full of tourists destroyed any chance of feeling the religious aura of the place.

QuoteIt's true, I'm not a drunk.
Well there's a non-reply.
